Easy Intermediate NC2S
Tags: 2 - Restart: 0
Start: after 16 silent counts during the indefinite intro, with vocal
Sequence: 32,32, T1, 32,32, 32,32, T1, 32,32, T2, 32,32, 32,12
S1: Cross Side Back, Three Step Turn, Flick, Cross, Back
1234&5Cross RF(1), step LF L(2), turn quarter R and recover weight on RF(3), turn quarter R and step LF aside(4), turn half R and step RF aside(&), turn quarter R and step LF forward(5)
678Flick RF(6), cross RF(7), step LF in place(8) and R quarter turn for next move (6:00)
S2: Lunge, Drag & Swivel, Forward, Spiral Turn, Run (R-L)
1234Step RF R in lunge position (1), hold 2, drag LF together while swiveling L quarter turn(3), continue the drag and end by stepping on LF and right heel up (4)
5678&Turn quarter right and step LF forward(5), step LF forward and swivel R full turn(6,7), step RF forward(8), step LF forward(&) (6:00)
S3: Rock Recover, Back, Hook, Step & Sweep, Back Shuffle
1234Rock RF forward(1), recover(2), push RF backwards (3), hook LF(4)
567&8L step LF forward(5), sweep RF forward while making L quarter turn(6), land LF across RF(7), step LF backward(&), step RF closer across LF(8) (3:00)
S4: Back, Side, Nightclub, Side, Cross Rock, Recover, Side
1234&Step LF backwards(1), step RF R(2), turn quarter R and step LF L(3), slight back rock RF on ball(4), cross LF(&)
5678Step RF R(5), rock LF across RF(6), recover(7), step LF L(8) (6:00)
Tag 1(4 counts): Sway R(1,2), sway L(3,4). Do this after wall 2 and wall 6
Tag 2(20 counts): We encourage freestyle creation. As an option, you can do this: Sway R(1.2), Sway L(3,4), Cross RF(5), unwind full turn(6,7,8), tap RF far R(1), drag RF near LF(2,3,4), Body Roll or toe scrub RF (5678), cross RF(1), unwind full turn(2,3,4). Do this tag after wall 8.
Ending: End at section 2, count 4 facing 12:00!
Enjoy the dance
Start: after 16 silent counts during the indefinite intro, with vocal
Sequence: 32,32, T1, 32,32, 32,32, T1, 32,32, T2, 32,32, 32,12
S1: Cross Side Back, Three Step Turn, Flick, Cross, Back
1234&5Cross RF(1), step LF L(2), turn quarter R and recover weight on RF(3), turn quarter R and step LF aside(4), turn half R and step RF aside(&), turn quarter R and step LF forward(5)
678Flick RF(6), cross RF(7), step LF in place(8) and R quarter turn for next move (6:00)
S2: Lunge, Drag & Swivel, Forward, Spiral Turn, Run (R-L)
1234Step RF R in lunge position (1), hold 2, drag LF together while swiveling L quarter turn(3), continue the drag and end by stepping on LF and right heel up (4)
5678&Turn quarter right and step LF forward(5), step LF forward and swivel R full turn(6,7), step RF forward(8), step LF forward(&) (6:00)
S3: Rock Recover, Back, Hook, Step & Sweep, Back Shuffle
1234Rock RF forward(1), recover(2), push RF backwards (3), hook LF(4)
567&8L step LF forward(5), sweep RF forward while making L quarter turn(6), land LF across RF(7), step LF backward(&), step RF closer across LF(8) (3:00)
S4: Back, Side, Nightclub, Side, Cross Rock, Recover, Side
1234&Step LF backwards(1), step RF R(2), turn quarter R and step LF L(3), slight back rock RF on ball(4), cross LF(&)
5678Step RF R(5), rock LF across RF(6), recover(7), step LF L(8) (6:00)
Tag 1(4 counts): Sway R(1,2), sway L(3,4). Do this after wall 2 and wall 6
Tag 2(20 counts): We encourage freestyle creation. As an option, you can do this: Sway R(1.2), Sway L(3,4), Cross RF(5), unwind full turn(6,7,8), tap RF far R(1), drag RF near LF(2,3,4), Body Roll or toe scrub RF (5678), cross RF(1), unwind full turn(2,3,4). Do this tag after wall 8.
Ending: End at section 2, count 4 facing 12:00!
Enjoy the dance