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Get Down With It

( 7 Stimmen)
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William Sevone (UK) - March 2021
Get Down With It - Little Richard : (The Okeh Sessions - Amazon)
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Choreographers note:- The dance is as fluid as the music, the dancer needs to become the same for it to look and feel right.. Just relax and go with the flow n vibe. BONUS counts on Walls 3-4-5 - read notes. Ad-lib the intro.
Always remember - 'The beat may reach your feet - but the rhythm should electrify your soul'.
Dance phasing:- 48 - 48 - 44+10 - 44+8 - 44+10 - 48 - 48 - 48
Dance starts when he sings the word 'with' at 17 seconds ..'I said get down WITH it..'

Side Rock. Recover. 1/8th Slow Sailor. 1/8th Modified Slow Sailor (3.00).
1 - 2Rock right to right side. Recover onto left.
3 - 4Step right behind left. Step left next to right
5Step right to right side - turning 1/8th left.
6 - 7Step left behind right. Step right next to left
8Turn 1/8th left (3) & step slightly forward onto left.

Triple Rock. Fwd. 1/2 Right. Triple Rock (9.00)
9 - 10turning upper body slightly left - Rock forward onto right. Rock backward onto left.
11 - 12Recover onto right. Step forward onto left
13 - 14Pivot ½ right (9) - changing weight to right. Turning upper body slightly right - Rock forward onto left.
15 - 16Rock backward onto right. Recover onto left.

1/4 Side. 3/4 Forward. Walk Fwd: R-L. Flick Kick. Walk Bwd: R-L-R (9.00)
17 - 18Turn ¼ left (12) & step right to right side. Turn ¾ left (9) & step forward onto left.
19 - 20Walk forward: Right-Left.
21 - 22Flick kick right forward. Step backward onto right.
23 - 24Walk backward: Left-Right

1/2 Fwd. Walk Fwd: R-L. Flick Kick. Walk Bwd: R-L. 1/4 Step Rock. Diag Step Fwd. (12.00)
25 - 26Turn ½ left & step forward onto left. Step forward onto right.
27 - 28Step forward onto left. Flick kick right forward.
29 - 30Walk backward: Right-Left
31 - 32Turn ¼ right & rock step right to right side. Step left foot slightly diag forward left.

6x Diagonal Skater. Step Diag. Left. Cross (12.00)
33turning body to right - Turn diag right on ball of left foot - whilst stepping slightly diag forward right on right foot.
34turning body to left - Turn diag left on ball of right - whilst stepping slightly diag forward left on left foot.
35turning body to right - Turn diag right on ball of left foot - whilst stepping slightly diag forward right on right foot.
36.turning body to left - Turn diag left on ball of right - whilst stepping slightly diag forward left on left foot.
37turning body to right - Turn diag right on ball of left foot - whilst stepping slightly diag forward right on right foot.
38.turning body to left - Turn diag left on ball of right - whilst stepping slightly diag forward left on left foot.
39 - 40Step right diagonally forward left. Cross left over right.

Walk Bwd: R-L-R-L. 2x Toe Touch. 1/4 Side. Cross (3.00)
41 - 44Walk backward: Right-Left-Right-Left.
[ON WALLS 3 - 4 - 5 perform the extra counts below. Walls 1 - 2 - 6 - 7 - 8 CONTINUE with Counts 45 - 48]
45 - 46turning upper body slight to left - Touch right toe forward twice.
47 - 48Turn ¼ right (3) & step right to side. Cross left over right.

1 - 10Stepping right foot next to left & slow turn ¼ right - Clap hands 10 times from side to side as you turn.
1 - 8Stepping right foot next to left & slow turn ¼ right - Snap/click fingers 8 times from side to side as you turn
1 - 10Stepping right foot next to left & slow turn ¼ right - lightly stamp you feet side to side 10 times as you turn

On All 'Bonus Counts' The Turn Starts With The Right And Ends With The Weight On The Left.

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