CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Stay In Love

( 18 Stimmen)
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Brenda Shatto (USA) & Barbara Tobin (USA) - March 2021
Let's Always Stay in Love - Meaghan Smith
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Restart on Wall 4 (starts at 3:00), after Count 8 (facing 12:00)
NOTE: At 2:40 the music sounds like it ends but keep going - there's more!
Intro: 16 counts, start with weight on L

(1-8) Wizard, lock step, step 1/4 left turn, kick, cross, coaster
1,2&R small step forward to right diagonal, lock L behind, R forward
3&4L forward, lock R behind, L forward
5&6&R forward, 1/4 left turn weight on L, kick R across L, step R across L (9:00)
7&8Step L back, close R, step L forward
RESTART here: Wall 4, facing (12:00)

(9-16) Mambo forward w/hitch and snap, mambo back w/hitch and snap, lock step, step 1/4 right, cross, side
1&2Rock R forward, recover L, step R back while hitching L and snapping fingers
3&4Rock L back, recover R, step L forward while hitching R and snapping fingers
5&6Step R forward, lock L behind, step R forward
7&8&Step L forward, 1/4 right turn weight R, cross L, step R to right side (12:00)

(17-24) Cross and together, cross and together, 1/4 right turn walks x2, 1/4 right turn boogie walks x3
1&2Cross L, step R to right side, close L (body angled to 10:30)
3&4Cross R over L, step L to left side (squaring up to 12:00), close R (body angled to 1:30)
5,61/4 right turn walk L/R (starting 1/2 right turn walkaround) (3:00)
*Styling option: fold hands over heart*
7&81/4 right turn 3 boogie walks: L/R/L (6:00)
*Styling option: open hands out to hip level, palms facing forward*

(25-32) Hip bump forward, hip bump side, coaster, hip bump forward, hip bump side, 1/4 right turn coaster
1&2&R toe forward w/hip, weight return back to L, R toe to right side w/hip, weight return back to L
3&4R back, L close, R forward
5&6&L toe forward w/hip, weight return back to R, L toe to left side w/hip, weight return back to R
7&8Step L back, 1/4 right turn step R right, L small step forward (9:00)

Ending: Last wall starts at (3:00). Dance up to count 24 - the end of boogie walks - facing (9:00). Continue 1/4 right turn by adding 2 more boogie walks (R/L, counts "&1") finishing at (12:00).
Please do not alter this step sheet in any way. If you would like to use it on your website, it must be used in its original format. Contact the choreographers with your questions: and (03/01/2021)

Joan Price March 13, 2021
Wonderful feel-good dance! My favorite current improver dance.

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