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Freeze Out

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Phrased Intermediate
OliSien (BEL) - January 2021
Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out - Bruce Springsteen
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Sequence A-B-A-B-A-A-B-B-TAG-B-TAG

Part A (48 counts) Start on lyrics
S1.Rock step & Rock step, Turning Shuffle, Full0 Turn
1-2Rock RF fwd, recover on LF,
&3-4Step RF in place (&) rock LF fwd, recover on RF (12:00)
5&6½ Turn left, LF fwd, Close, L fwd,
7-8½ turn step back, ½ turn step fwd Left

S2. Side, Hold & Side, Touch, Hip L & R, Shuffle ¼ Left
1-2Step RF to the R, Hold,
&3-4Close LF beside RF( &) Step RF to the R, Touch LF side
5-6Hip L, hip R,
7&8¼ turn Left , LF fwd RF beside LF fwd

S3. Cross rock, ¼ turn R chassé, cross ¼ turn L, step back, lockstep back
1-2Cross RF over LF, recover on LF
3&4¼ turn R step RF to the right making, LF next to RF, step RF to the right
5-6Cross LF over RF making ¼ turn L, step RF back
7&8Step LF back, RF lock before LF, step LF back

S4. Rock step back, ½ turn L with strut (x2), side rock cross
1-2RF rock back, recover on LF
3-4½ Turn L with RF toe strut
5-6½ turn L with LF toe trut
7&8Rock RF to R side, recover on LF, rock RF cross in front

S5. Vine L hitch + clap, vine R hitch + clap
1-2-3-4Step LF to L, RF behind LF, step LF to side, hitch R with clap
5-6-7-8Step RF to R, LF behind RF, step RF to side, hitch L with clap

S6. Sailor step, step down, touch & jazz box ¼ turn R, touch
1&2Step LF behind RF, step RF to R side, step LF to LF side
3-4&Step RF down, touch LF beside & step LF down
5-6-7-8Cross RF over L, step LF back, step RF beside making ¼ turn R, touch LF

Part B (16 counts)
S1 Cross step, hold (x2), pivot, kick ball cross
1-2-3-4Cross LF over R, hold, cross RF over L, hold
5-6Step LF forward, pivot ½ turn over R
7&8LF kick forward, LF step side on ball of foot, RF cross over LF

S2 Cross step, hold (x2), pivot, kick ball cross
1-2-3-4Cross LF over R, hold, cross RF over L, hold
5-6Step LF forward, pivot ½ turn over R
7&8&LF kick forward, LF step side on ball of foot, RF cross over LF & step on LF

Tag (16 counts)
Vine L, hitch + clap, Vine R, hitch + clap
1-2-3-4Step LF to L, RF behind LF, step LF to side, hitch R with clap
5-6-7-8Step RF to R, LF behind RF, step RF to side, hitch L with clap

Jazz box (x 2)
1-2-3-4Cross LF over R, step RF back, step LF to R, touch RF to R
5-6-7-8Cross RF over L, step LF back, step RF to R, touch LF to R

Submitted by - Rosine De Lange:

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