CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Sea Star

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Kerly Luige (EST) - 19 February 2021
Rockstar Sea Shanty - Nickelback & The Lottery Winners
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Start with the word "Standing"

Right diagonal Dorothy-step, left diagonal Dorothy-step, right 2x step forward with left hitch-ball-hitch, left 2x step forward with right hitch-ball-hitch
1, 2&Step R diagonally forward to 1:30, lock L behind R, step R diagonally forward to 1:30
3, 4&Step L diagonally forward to 10:30, lock R behind L, step L diagonally forward to 10:30
5&6Step R forward hitching left knee, ball on L, step R forward hitching left knee
7&8Step L forward hitching right knee, ball on R, step L forward hitching right knee

Right back rock, side rock, behind-side-cross, left pivot-turn 1/4 to right, 2x steps 1/2 to right
9&10&Rock R back, recover weight on L, rock R to right side, recover weight on L
11&12Step R behind L, step L to left side, step R across L
13, 14Step L to left side, make a 1/4 turn to right (3:00) ending with weight on R
15, 16Step L back making a 1/2 turn to right (9:00), step R forward making a 1/2 turn to right (3:00)

Left diagonal Dorothy-step, right diagonal Dorothy-step, weave-cross-rock-side
17, 18&Step L diagonally forward to 1:30, lock R behind L, step L diagonally forward to 1:30
19, 20&Step R diagonally forward to 4:30, lock L behind R, step R diagonally forward to 4:30
21&22&Step L across R, step R to right side, step L behind R, step R to right side
23&24Rock L across R, recover weight on R, take a long step with L to left side

Right sailor-step, left sailor-forward, 2x pivot-turn 1/4 to left
25&26Step R behind L, step L to left side, step R to right side
27&28Step L behind R, step R to right side, step L forward
29, 30Step R forward, make a 1/4 turn to left ending with weight on L (12:00, use your hips!)
31, 32Step R forward, make a 1/4 turn to left ending with weight on L (9:00, use your hips!)

Tags / Restarts
Wall 2: Dance the first 10 counts and after side rock make a 1/2 turn to left:
11, 12Step R forward, make a 1/2 turn to left (3:00) ending with weight on L

Wall 4: Dance the first 24 counts and restart

Wall 6: Dance the first 16 counts, then make a 1/2 turn to right, a long step forward with left and touch with right:
17, 18Step L forward, make a 1/2 turn to right (9:00) ending with weight on R
19, 20Take a long step forward with L, touch R next to L

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