Intro: 16 counts
Zig-Zag R/L & Vine R/L
1-4Step R diagonally, Touch L to R, Step L diagonally, touch with R.
5-8Step R back diagonally, Touch L to R, Step L diagonally, touch with R.
1-8Step R, Lf behind R, step R, touch L to R, Step L, R behind L, Step L, touch R to L.
K Step
1-8Step R diagonally, touch L to R, step L back diagonally, touch R to L, step R back diagonally, touch with R. Return L, touch with R.
Jazz Box 2x turning R
1-8Step Rf over L, step back on L, step R, turning 1/8 R step on L, turning R, repeat 1/8, one more time. ( ¼ total)
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Zig-Zag R/L & Vine R/L
1-4Step R diagonally, Touch L to R, Step L diagonally, touch with R.
5-8Step R back diagonally, Touch L to R, Step L diagonally, touch with R.
1-8Step R, Lf behind R, step R, touch L to R, Step L, R behind L, Step L, touch R to L.
K Step
1-8Step R diagonally, touch L to R, step L back diagonally, touch R to L, step R back diagonally, touch with R. Return L, touch with R.
Jazz Box 2x turning R
1-8Step Rf over L, step back on L, step R, turning 1/8 R step on L, turning R, repeat 1/8, one more time. ( ¼ total)
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