CopperKnob Stepsheets

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No Tongue's Allowed!

( 31 Stimmen)
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Steve Rutter (UK) & Claire Rutter (UK) - January 2021
Kiss (feat. Tom Jones) - Art of Noise : (Album: The Best Of The Art Of Noise)
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(5 Count Intro’ – beginning on the word “Beautiful" – 3 Secs).
Note: Thank You to Peter Metelnick & Alison Biggs for helping us name this dance, and also helping with the tag!

Section 1 - Half Rumba Box, Lock Step Forward, Pivot ½ Turn Left, Kick-Ball-Step.
1-3Step right to right side, close left beside right, step forward on right.
4&5Step left forward, lock right behind left, step left forward.
6-7Step forward on right, pivot a half turn left.
8&1Kick right forward, step weight down onto right, step forward on left. (6 O'Clock)

Section 2 - Anchor Step, ¾ Turn Left, Weave, Scissor Step.
2&3Lock right behind left (taking weight) , replace weight onto left, step back on right.
4-5Make a half turn left stepping forward on left, make a quarter turn left stepping right to right side.
6&7Cross left behind right, step right to right side, Cross left over right.
Restart: When dancing walls 4 & 10, add a 1 count Hold here then restart dance from beginning (Facing 6 O'Clock)
8&1Step right to right side, close left beside right, cross right over left. (9 O'Clock)

Section 3 - Hold, Ball-Cross, ¼ Turn Left, Pivot ¼ Turn Left, Crossing Shuffle.
&3Step left to left side, cross right over left.
4Make a quarter turn left stepping forward on left.
5-6Step forward on right, pivot a quarter turn left.
7&8Cross right over left, step left to left side, cross right over left. (3 O'Clock)

Section 4 - Side Rock, Coaster Step, Kick Forward, Step Apart, Sexy Hip Roll!
1-2Rock left to left side, recover weight onto right.
3&4Step back on left, close right beside left, step forward on left.
5&6Kick right forward, step right out to right side, step left to left side.
7-8Roll hips anti-clockwise completing a full circle (weight ending on left) (3 O'Clock)

(Make this sexy and with plenty of Woooo's!!!)

Restarts: When dancing Walls 4 & 10 , dance up to count 15 (Weave) then add a 1 count Hold and restart dance from the beginning, you'll be facing 6 O'Clock both times!

Tag: add the following tag at the end of Wall 7, you'll do this facing 3 O'Clock Wall, when he sings "Think I Better Dance Now".
1-2Step right to right side, close left beside right.
3&4Step forward on right, step forward on left, touch right toe beside left.

Enjoy & BE SEXY!

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