CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Shelley Moore (NZ) & Debbie Plunket (NZ) - November 2020
Circles - Post Malone
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Start dance 32 counts from start of heavy beat

S1: [1-8] Rock recover, Right 1 & 1/2 turn triple back, Rock recover, Left back shuffle
1,2,3 & 4Rock fwd R, replace weight on L, 1 & 1/2 turn over right shoulder stepping RLR
(easy option: 1/2 turn back over R shoulder shuffle fwd RLR)
5,6Rock fwd on the L, replace weight back on R
7&8Step back on L , step R back next to L , step back on L

S2: [9-16] Right side rock recover, Right sailor,Left sailor, Right toe behind left, cross unwind
1,2R side rock, recover on L
3&4Step R behind L, step L to L side, step R to R
5&6Step L behind R, step R to R side, step L to L
7,8Cross R toe behind L , full unwind to the R on balls of feet to take weight onto R

S3: [17-24] Left side rock recover, Left sailor,Right sailor, left toe behind right, cross unwind
1,2L side rock, recover on R
3&4Step L behind R, step R to R side, step L to L
5&6Step R behind L, step L to L side, step R to R
7,8Cross L toe behind R, full unwind to the L on balls of feet to take weight onto L

S4: [25-32] Jumping K step, Right rock recover, Right coaster step
&1&2Jump R fwd to R diagonal, touch L next to R, jump L back to L diagonal, touch R next to L
&3&4Jump R back to R diagonal, touch L next to R, jump L fwd to L diagonal, touch R next to L
(*tag+restart here on wall 5)
5,6Rock R fwd, recover back on L
7&8Step R back, step L next to R, step fwd on R

S5: [33-40] 4 x 1/4 shuffles
1&21/4 turn R, stepping L to L side, close R beside L, step L to L side (9.00)
3&41/4 turn R, stepping R to R side, close L beside L, step R to R side (12.00)
5&61/4 turn R, stepping L to L side, close R beside L, step L to R side (3.00)
7&81/4 turn R, stepping R to R side, close L beside L, step R to R side (6.00)
S6: [41-48] Rolling vine to the left, right touch, cross unwind, right kickball
1-41/4 turn L, stepping L fwd, 1/4 turn L on ball of L, stepping R to R side, pivot 1/2 turn L on ball of R , stepping to L side, touch R next to L
(easy option: grapevine left instead of rolling vine)
5-6Cross R toe behind L, unwind 1/2 R, weight on L
7&8Kick R fwd, step onto ball of R (next to left) lifting L slightly off the floor, replace weight onto L (on the same spot)

S7: [49 -56] 1/4 left -click, 1/4 left click, right samba, left samba
1-21/4 L stepping R to side, touch L beside R, click fingers on R hand
3-41/4 L stepping fwd, touch R beside L, click fingers on R hand
5&6Step R across in front of L , step L to L side, step R to side
7&8Step L across in front of R, step R to R side, step L to side
S8: [57-64] Rock recover, 1/2 shuffle fwd, step 1/2 turn, left shuffle fwd
1-2Rock fwd on R, replace weight on L
3&41/2 turn back over R shoulder , step fwd on R, step L next to R, step fwd on R
5-6Step fwd on the L, pivot 1/2 turn to your R (weight on R)
7&8Step fwd on L, step R next to L, step fwd on L

Tag & restart on wall 5 after 32 counts - add a right rocking chair and restart
1,2,3,4Rock fwd on R, recover on L, rock back on R, recover on L

Finish the dance at the end of wall 6 - after count 64, stomp the right foot fwd and flick both hands out to the side

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