CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Kyrie Eleison 2021

( 1 Stimmen)
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Aurora de Jong (USA) - December 2020
Kyrie - Mr. Mister
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The 32 count dance begins after 16 counts of the hard beat. (Hard beat begins at 35 secs.
Dance begins at 46 secs.)

**Optional Intro Choreography:
Section 1: V step with arms
He sings "Ky---rie" - you step R to right diagonal and lift your R arm -step L to left diagonal and lift your L arm
-return R foot and bring R arm across chest -return L foot and bring L arm across chest

Section 2: ¼ turn left step touches with arms
He sings "Elei---son" - you step R to right turning ¼ turn left (9:00) and slowly rotating your R arm clockwise in front of your body, all the way extended up, and back to your side as you bring your L foot in to touch R -step L to left and slowly rotating your L arm anti-clockwise in front of your body, all the way extended up, and back to your side as you touch your R foot to L

Section 3: ½ pivot turn left -Step R forward and pivot ½ left (3:00) - bring R foot to L, ready to start sequence again
**You will do the above sequence 4 times, rotating clockwise. The music starts with keyboard that sounds like birds, then there's a heavy chord, like a bell. That's your cue to execute each of the first 3 rotations. By the time you get to the last rotation, the beat has kicked in and you can use the natural beat of the music to complete the last rotation. That will put you at the front wall in time for ...5, 6, 7, 8! You can't really count this, just go with the flow and feel it!

Regular 32 count dance:
[Section 1]: Step, step, lock-step, step pivot ½ left, ¼ left side shuffle, behind side cross rock
1, 2&3 step R forward (1), step L forward (2), step R behind L (&), step L forward (3)
4-5 step R forward (4), pivot ½ left (5) (6:00)
6&7 step R to right, turning ¼ left (6), bring L to R (&), step R to right (7) (3:00)
8&1 step L behind R (8), step R to right (&), rock L across R (1)

[Section 2]: recover to R, side step, cross, ¾ right spiral turn, diamond walk backwards, behind side cross
2&3 recover to R (2), step L to left (&) step R across L (3)
4 step L to left and do a ¾ right spiral turn (12:00)
5-7 step R forward (5), step L back, turning slightly right toward 1:30 (6), step R back, still at 1:30 (7)
8&1 step L behind R (8), step R to right turning slightly right and squaring to 3:00 (&), step L across R (1) (3:00)

[Section 3]: ¼ right step, step pivot turn ½ right, step pivot ½ right with back sweeps, rock and recover
2-4 step R forward, turning ¼ right (2) (6:00), step left forward (3), pivot ½ right (4) (12:00)
5-7 step L forward and spin ½ right, sweeping R around to the back (5) (6:00), step R back and sweep L from front to back (6), step L back and sweep R from front to back (7)
8& rock R back (8) and recover to L (&)

[Section 4]: step, side rock cross, ¼ right step, sway, back lock step, ½ turn right hitch
1, 2&3 step R forward (1), rock L to left (2), recover to R (&), step R across L (3)
4 step R forward making ¼ right turn (4) (9:00)
5-6 sway left (5), sway right (6)
7&8& step L back (7), step R in front of L (&), step L back (8), turn ½ right and hitch right knee (&) (3:00)
8count Tag after Walls 1 & 3

K Step:
1-4 Step R forward (1), touch L to R (2), step L back to slight diagonal (3), touch R to L (4)
5-8 Step R back to slight diagonal (5), touch L to R (6), step L forward (7), touch R to L (8)

Dance ends after 8 counts of Wall 10. To end at the front wall, follow these step changes to counts 1-8:
[Section 1 - ending wall only]: Step, step, lock-step, step pivot ½ left, shuffle ½ left, step ¼ left
1, 2&3 step R forward (1), step L forward (2), step R behind L (&), step L forward (3)
4-5 step R forward (4), pivot ½ left (5) (9:00)
6&7 step R forward turning ¼ left (6:00), step L to R (&), step R back continuing another ¼ left (7) (3:00)
8 step L to left, making ¼ turn left to 12:00



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