CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Miles Of You

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Phrased Intermediate
Karin Wessberg (SWE) & Jane Nilsson (SWE) - November 2020
Miles Of Blue (feat. Robin Stjernberg) - Jill Johnson : (iTunes)
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Description: A, B, C, Tag 1, B, Tag 2, C, C, C, Ending

A (Intro)
S:1 Weave right, sway right and left
1-4Step right to right, cross left behind right, step right to right, cross left over right
5-8Step right to right, cross left behind, sway right, sway left

S:2 Weave left, sway right and left
1-4Cross right over left, step left to left, cross right behind left, step left to left
5-8Cross right over left, step left to left, sway right, sway left

S:3 Walk diagonally right x 4, step turn, walk diagonally left x 2
1-4Walk 4 steps diagonally right (step right, left, right left)
5-8Step turn ½ left (to left diagonal), walk 2 steps (right, left)

S:4 Step turn, step, hold x 2
1-4Step forward on right, turn ½ left, step forward on right, hold
5-8Step forward on left, turn ½ right, step forward on left, hold

B (Vers)
S:1 (Square up) Walk forward x 2, jump out right and left, step, step turn ¼, cross shuffle
1-2Walk forward on right, walk forward on left
&3-4Jump out right and left, step forward on right
5-6Step forward on left, turn ¼ right
7&8Cross left over right, right to right side, cross left over right

S:2 Walk forward x 2, jump out right and left, step, step turn ¼, cross shuffle
1-2Walk forward on right, walk forward on left
&3-4Jump out right and left, step forward on right
5-6Step forward on left, turn ¼ right
7&8Cross left over right, right to right side, cross left over right

S:3 Walk forward x 2, jump out right and left, step, step turn ½, shuffle forward
1-2Walk forward on right, walk forward on left
&3-4Jump out right and left, step forward on right
5-6Step forward on left, turn ½ right
7&8Step forward on left, step right beside left, step forward on left

S:4 Walk forward x 2, jump out right and left, step, step turn ½, shuffle forward
1-2Walk forward on right, walk forward on left
&3-4Jump out right and left, step forward on right
5-6Step forward on left, turn ½ right
7&8Step forward on left, step right beside left step forward on left

C (Chorus)
S:1 Rock step, triple full turn, rock step, shuffle ½ turn
1-2Rock forward on right, recover onto left
3&4Triple full turn right stepping right, left, right
5-6Rock forward on left, recover onto right
7&8Shuffle ½ turn left stepping left, right, left

S:2 Basic night club step right, left, weave right, rock step
1-2&Big step to right, rock back on left, recover onto right
3-4&Big step to left, rock back on right, recover onto left
5&6&Step right to right, cross left behind right, step right to right, cross left in front of right
7-8Rock right to right side, recover onto left

S:3 Cross, unwind ½, Dorothy-step right and left, sway right and left
1-2Cross right over left, unwind ½ turn left
3-4&Step right diagonally forward, cross left behind right, step right diagonally right
5-6&Step left diagonally forward, cross right behind left, step left diagonally left
7-8Sway to the right, sway to the left

S:4 Coaster step ¼ turn right, shuffle forward, step turn ½, walk forward right and left
1&2Turn ¼ right stepping back on right, step left beside right, step forward on right
3&4Step forward on left, step right beside left, step forward on left
5-6Step forward on right, turn ½ left
7-8Walk forward on right, walk forward on left

TAG 1, 8 counts
[1-8] Rock step, triple full turn right, rock forward, shuffle ½ turn
1-2Rock forward on right, recover onto left
3&4Triple full turn right stepping right, left, right
5-6Rock forward on left, recover onto right
7&8Shuffle ½ turn left stepping left, right, left

B (Vers)

TAG 2, 16 counts
[1-8] Step turn ¼ left x 4
1-8Step forward on right, ¼ turn left x 4

[1-8] Rock step, coaster step right and left
1-2Rock forward on right, recover onto left
3&4Step back on right, step left foot beside right, step forward on right
5-6Rock forward on left, recover onto right
7&8Step back left, step right foot beside left, step forward on left

C (Chorus) x 3

Step diagonally right, touch, turn ½ left, touch, ¼ turn left, touch, step left, hold
1-2Step toward right diagonal, touch left beside right
3-4Turn ½ stepping left to left, touch right beside left
5-6Turn ¼ left stepping right to right, touch left beside right
7-8Step left to left, hold

alan d December 4, 2024
Your dance seems quite interesting. I suggest a demo, at least ... and possibly a teach video. Most dancers, nowadays, will not even consider looking at a dance without those.

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