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Drinking Again

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Easy Intermediate
Bobby Houle (CAN) - January 2018
Drinking Again - Luke Bryan
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[1-8]: Step, touch, shuffle, cross, behind 1\4 turn R, side shuffle
1-2 Right forward diag.R, touch left beside R
3&4 Shuffle (LRL) diag. L
5-6 Cross right in front of left, left back 1\4 turn R (3 o'clock)
7&8 Shuffle to right (DGD)

[9-16] : Cross rock step, shuffle 1\4 turn L, step pivot 1\4 turn L, cross shuffle
1-2 Rock left in front of R, back to R
3&4 Left foot L, right beside left, left forward 1\4 turn L
5-6 Right forward, pivot 1\4 turn left (9 o'clock)
7&8 Cross Shuffle to left (RLR)

[17-24] : Syncopated side rock, rock step, shuffle 1\2 turn R
1-2& Rock left foot to left, back to right in place, left beside right
3-4 Rock right to right, back to left in place
5-6 Rock right forward, back to left
7&8 Shuffle 1\2 turn right (RLR) (3 o'clock)

[25-32] : Step ,pivot 1\4 turn R, cross shuffle,1\4 turn L,1\2 turn L, step pivot 1\2 turn L
1-2 Left forward, pivot 1\4 turn right
3&4 Cross Shuffle left foot on right (LRL) (6 o'clock)
5-6 1\4 tour left -right foot back , on right foot 1\2 turn left -left foot forward
7-8 Right foot forward , pivot 1\2 turn left (3 o'clock)

Tag : You do the dance 3 times ,you're on the 9 o'clock wall: you add
[1-8] : Rock step, shuffle back, rock back , shuffle step
1-2-3&4 Rock right forward, back to left, shuffle back (RLR)
5-6-7&8 Rock left back, return to right forward, shuffle forward (LRL)

You do the dance 3 times again ,you're on the 6 o'clock wall and you do the same tag

Restart : You do the dance 3 times again, you're on the 3 o'clock wall, you do the 28th first count and restart the dance after the cross shuffle ,you're now on the 9 o'clock wall

Note : In this Restart, the music almost stops completely with only guitar in the background, you continue to dance at the same rhythm and you'll arrive in time for the Restart.

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