Heel and Heel, Step Twist, Twist, Back, Back, Coaster Step
1&Right heel forward and home
2&Left heel forward and home
3&4Step forward right and twist both heels out and in
5-6Step back right left
7&8Coaster step R-L-R
Rock step, ¾ Turn, Cross & Cross, Turn, Cross & Cross
1-2Rock L Forward, recover right
3&4Triple ¾ turn turning left L R L (3:00)
5&6Cross and Cross shuffle Right over Left
7&8Pivot ½ turn while doing Cross and Cross, Left over Right (9:00)
Side Rock, Behind and Cross, Side Rock, Sailor ¼ Turn
1-2Side rock right recover left
3&4Behind and Cross ( right behind left)
5-6Side rock Left recover right
7&8Sailor step ¼ turn L,R,L Turning left (6:00)
Point & Point, Touch and Heel X 2, Stomp, Stomp
1&2&Point right side and home, point left side and home
3&4Touch right toe beside left, quickly weight to right and left heel forward
&5&6Turn 1/4 left, Touch right toe beside left, quickly weight to R and L heel forward
&7-8Quickly bring left home and stomp right stomp left
NO Tags No Restarts
1&Right heel forward and home
2&Left heel forward and home
3&4Step forward right and twist both heels out and in
5-6Step back right left
7&8Coaster step R-L-R
Rock step, ¾ Turn, Cross & Cross, Turn, Cross & Cross
1-2Rock L Forward, recover right
3&4Triple ¾ turn turning left L R L (3:00)
5&6Cross and Cross shuffle Right over Left
7&8Pivot ½ turn while doing Cross and Cross, Left over Right (9:00)
Side Rock, Behind and Cross, Side Rock, Sailor ¼ Turn
1-2Side rock right recover left
3&4Behind and Cross ( right behind left)
5-6Side rock Left recover right
7&8Sailor step ¼ turn L,R,L Turning left (6:00)
Point & Point, Touch and Heel X 2, Stomp, Stomp
1&2&Point right side and home, point left side and home
3&4Touch right toe beside left, quickly weight to right and left heel forward
&5&6Turn 1/4 left, Touch right toe beside left, quickly weight to R and L heel forward
&7-8Quickly bring left home and stomp right stomp left
NO Tags No Restarts