CopperKnob Stepsheets

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( 10 Stimmen)
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Paul Snooke (AUS) - June 2020
Dance with Me - Diplo, Thomas Rhett & Young Thug
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[Track Info: 2:50 min, 99 bpm]
Intro: Starts 0:10 seconds into the track on lyrics

[1-8] L samba basic, R samba basic, ¾ turn lock step combo
1-2&Step LF to L side, Rock RF back, Recover weight to LF
3-4&Step RF to R side, Rock LF back, Recover weight to RF
5&6&Turn ¼ L & step LF forward, Close RF behind LF, Turn ¼ L & step LF forward, Close RF behind LF [6:00]
7-8Turn ¼ L step LF forward, Step RF forward [3:00]

[9-16] L mambo & fan, R back & fan, L back & fan, R back, L together, ¼ R cross, Hold, Ball cross
1&2Rock LF forward, Recover weight to RF, Step LF slightly back on the diagonal & raise R toe off the ground fanning toe to the R
3-4Step RF slightly back on the diagonal & raise L toe off the ground fanning toe to the L, Step LF slightly back on the diagonal & raise R toe off the ground fanning toe to the R
 NOTE: If you wish to complete without styling just complete the mambo and walk back R & L
5&6Step RF back, Step LF together, Turn ¼ R & cross RF over LF [6:00]
7&8Hold, Step LF to L side, Cross RF over LF
 RESTART: Twice in the dance, restart the dance after count 16. Wall 3 and wall 6. You will be facing the front wall both times.

[17-24] L side, R touch, R side, L touch, L side, R behind, L side, 1/8 mambo & hitch L, L back & hitch R, R back & hitch L
1&2&3Step LF to L side & drag R heel towards LF, Touch RF together, Step RF to R side & drag L heel towards RF, Touch LF together, Step LF to L side & drag R heel towards LF
NOTE: If you wish to complete without styling, replace these counts with; Step LF to L side, Touch RF together, Step RF to R side, Touch LF together, Step LF to L side
4&5&Step RF behind LF, Step LF to L side, Turn 1/8 L & rock RF forward, Recover weight to LF [4:30]
6&7Step RF back & raise the L knee, Step LF back & raise the R knee, Step RF back & raise the L knee
8&Step LF back, Turn 1/8 R & step RF to R side [6:00]

[25-32] L cross, R side rock/recover, R cross, L side rock/recover, Box ¼ cross step
1-2&Cross LF over RF, Rock RF to R side, Recover weight to LF
3-4&Cross RF over LF, Rock LF to L side, Recover weight to RF
5-6-7-8Cross LF over RF, Step RF back, Turn ¼ L & step LF to L side, Cross RF over LF [3:00]

RESTART: For some strange reason, the artist decides to take off the last half a count off the first wall of the dance. It is a tricky restart. The easiest way to complete it is to count the box step out (5-6-7-8) and on the & count after count 8 step to the L as you would to start the dance again.
Last updated on 23 July 2020

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