CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Everybody Look

( 5 Stimmen)
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Michael Metzger (USA) - August 2020
Nothin' Like This Before - Rayelle
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Count In: Start on vocals – approximately 0:17

[1-8] Pivot Turn, Kick Ball Rock Recover, Kick Ball Rock Recover, Kick Ball Cross
1, 2Step R forward, Pivot ½ left and shift weight to L (6:00)
3&4&Kick R forward, Step R together, Rock back on L, Recover to R
5&6&Kick L forward, Step L together, Rock back on R, Recover to L
7&8Kick R forward, Step R together, Cross L over R

[9-16] Hip Press x2, Bump Hips x3, Behind Side Forward, ¼ Walk Around to Left
1, 2Step R toe down to right and press hips right as you lower R heel down, Rise up on L toe and press hips left as you lower L heel down
3&4Bump hips right, Bump hips left, Bump hips right
5&6Cross L behind R, Step R to side, Step L forward
7, 8Turn 1/8 left and step R forward, Turn 1/8 left and step L forward (3:00)

[17-24] Cross, ¼ Turn, Side Shuffle, ½ Turn with Hitch, Side Shuffle, ¼ Turn Into Back Back Forward Forward
1, 2Cross R over L, Turn ¼ right and step L back (6:00)
3&4&Step R to side, Step L together, Step R to side, Turn ½ right while hitching L (with small hop) (12:00)
5&6Step L to side, Step R together, Step L to side
7&8&Turn ¼ right and step R back, Step L back, Step R forward, Step L forward (3:00)

[25-32] Pivot, ¼ Turn Into Hip Roll x2, Behind, ¼ Turn and Step Foward
1, 2Step R forward, Turn ½ left and shift weight to L (9:00)
3, 4Turn ¼ left and step R to side while starting to push hips back and rotate counterclockwise, Complete hip roll while shifting weight to right (6:00)
5, 6Push hips back and rotate clockwise, Complete hip roll while shifting weight to left
7, 8Cross R behind, Turn ¼ left and step L forward (3:00)

There is a four count tag that is done after 16 counts of wall 3, after wall 7, and after wall 8.
Tag: Hand Box, Hand Cross to Right of Face, Hand Cross to Left of Face, Parallel Arms With Palms to Floor, Hold, Clap x2
1Create “box” with hands in the middle of your chest – Left arm facing down in front of you parallel to floor with elbow bent to 90 degree and wrist bent so fingertips point at floor – Right arm facing up in front of you parallel to floor with elbow bent to 90 degree and wrist bent so fingertips point up – Finger tips of both hands touch middles of forearms
&Create “cross” with arms to the right of your face – Left arm facing down in front of you with 90 degree bent elbow and parallel to the floor at shoulder level with straight wrist and palm facing down and fingertips pointing to your right – Right arm in front of you and to the right of your face with 90 degree bent elbow and perpendicular to the floor with straight wrist and palm facing left and fingertips pointing up – Cross is formed at your wrists in front of your right shoulder
2Create another “cross,” this time with arms to the left of your face – Keeping your wrists crossed, rotate counterclockwise to your left to create the new cross – Right arm facing down in front of you with 90 degree bent elbow and parallel to the floor at shoulder lever with straight wrist and palm facing down and fingertips pointing to your left – Left arm in front of you and to the left of your face with 90 degree bent elbow and perpendicular to the floor with straight wrist and palm facing right and fingertips pointing up – Cross is still formed at your wrists, but is now in front of your left shoulder
&Create “parallel lines” with arms – Keep right arm in the same position it was in to form the last cross – Bring left arm down to face down in front of you with 90 degree bent elbow and parallel to the floor (and to your right arm) about four inches below your right arm with straight wrist and palm facing down and fingertips pointing right
&4Keeping left arm at same height swing your left forearm forward and rotate your wrist so your palm faces up and fingertips are pointing forward – elbow slightly bent so your arm is comfortable in front of you and lined up with your left side – a bit like a server carrying a tray of hors d’oeuvres – At the same time keep your right arm at the same height and partially unbend your elbow so your right palm is above your left palm and facing down – Clap (&), Clap (4)


Michael Metzger –

M David August 10, 2020
Fun dance, great music. I love the arm work!

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