CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Here With You (与您相伴)

( 54 Stimmen)
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Janet (Zhen Zhen) Ge (CN) - August 2020
Here With You - Asher Monroe
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Sequence: AB / AAAB / AAAB / ATA / BB

Intro: 16 count

Part A: 32 count
[1-8] Side, Tog, Fwd Shuffle, Side, Tog, Back Shuffle
123&4Step right to side, step left together, step right forward, step left next to right, step right forward
567&8Step left to side, step right together, step left back, step right next to left, step left back

[9-16] Rock Back, Rock Side, Cross, Rock Side, Cross Shuffle
123&4Rock right back, recover on left, rock right to side, recover on left, cross right over left
567&8Rock left to side, recover on right, cross left over right, step right to side, cross left over right

[17-24] Side, Behind, 1/4Turn R Fwd Shuffle, 1/2 Pivot Turn R, Fwd Shuffle
123&4Step right to side, cross left behind right, step right to side, step left next to right, 1/4 turn R stepping right forward (3:00)
567&8Step left forward,1/2 pivot turn R, step left forward, step right next to left, step left forward (9:00)

[25-32] Full Turn, 1/4 Pivot Turn L, Jazz Box Step
12341/2 Turn L stepping right back, 1/2 turn L stepping left forward, step right forward, 1/4 pivot turn L
5678Cross right over left, step left back, step right to side, cross left over right (6:00)
Easy Option: Full Turn change into walk right, left

Part B: 32 count
[1-8] Jump/Fwd, Touch, Bump, Jump/back, Touch, Bump, Kick Ball Point, Kick Ball Point
&12Jump right forward diagonal R, touch left next to right, bump hip left
&34Jump left back diagonal L, touch right next to left, bump hip right
5&6Kick right forward, step right in place, point left to side
7&8Kick left forward, step left in place, point right to side

[9-16] Fwd, 1/4 Turn L Swivel, 1/4 Turn R Swivel, Hitch, Fwd, 1/2 Pivot Turn R, Fwd, Touch
1234Step right forward, 1/4 turn L swivel your heels, 1/4 turn R swivel your heels, hitch your left
5678Step left forward, 1/2 pivot turn R, step left forward, touch right next left (6:00)

[17-24] Same as 1-8 of Part B

[25-32] Same as 9-16 of Part B
Tag: 8 count
[1-8] Make a loop with both hands from the side to the top and from the top to the bottom
1-4Step right to side with your hands from side to top
5-8Your hands from top to bottom

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BTG August 5, 2020
Can't wait to learn this dance - the music is so pretty!

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