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Raining On Me

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Adam Åstmar (SWE) - May 2020
Rain On Me - Lady Gaga & Ariana Grande
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Intro: 32 counts, approx. 17 seconds, starting right after the words ”Add up”.

Important information:
Restart occurs after section 2 at wall 9, facing 6:00.

Sect - 1: Walk Forward R, L. Ball, Touch. Heel Bounces ½ Turn. ¼. Behind-Side-Cross.
1 – 2(1) Step forward on RF. (2) Step forward on LF.
& 3 – 4(&) Ball step slightly forward on RF. (3) Touch LF behind RF. (4) Bounce heels while turning ¼ to the left. {9:00}
5 – 6(5) Bounce heels while turning ¼ to the left, placing weight on LF. {6:00} (6) Turn ¼ to the left stepping to the right on RF. {3:00}
7 & 8(7) Step LF behind RF. (&) Step to the right on RF. (8) Cross LF over RF.

Sect - 2: Side Rock. 1/8 Ball. Cross. Back. Side Rock. Ball. Heel Grind 1/8.
1 – 2 &(1) Rock to the right on RF. (2) Recover on LF. (&) Turn 1/8 to the right, ball stepping RF next to LF. {4:30}
3 – 4(3) Cross LF over RF. (4) Step back on RF.
5 – 6 &(5) Rock to the left on LF. (6) Recover on RF. (&) Ball step LF next to RF.
7 – 8(7) Grind R heel forward. (8) Turn 1/8 to the right stepping to the left on LF. {6:00}
Styling: When doing the side rocks on count (1 – 2) and (5 – 6), do a body circle, lifting up on ball of the foot you rock on, then lowering heel to the floor as you slightly bend both knees transferring weight to the recover foot.

Note! - Restart occurs here at wall 9, facing 6'00 -
For a little extra feeling you can hold on count 8 and step to the left on count & instead.

Sect - 3: Sailor Step. Sailor ¼ Turn. Step ½ Turn. Full Turn.
1 & 2(1) Step RF behind LF. (&) Step LF in place. (2) Step to the right on RF.
3 & 4(3) Step LF behind RF. (&) Turn ¼ to the left, stepping RF in place. (4) Step slightly forward on LF. {3:00}
5 – 6(5) Step forward on RF. (6) Turn ½ to the left, placing weight on LF. {9:00}
7 – 8(7) Turn ½ to the left, stepping back on RF. (8) Turn ½ to the left, stepping forward on LF. {9:00}

Sect - 4: Rock Forward. Back, Back. Together. Diagonal Toe Struts L, R. Ball.
1 – 2(1) Rock forward on RF. (2) Recover on LF.
& 3 – 4(&) Step back on RF. (3) Step back on LF. (4) Close RF next to LF.
5 – 6(5) Touch L toe to the left diagonal. (6) Step down on L heel.
7 – 8 &(7) Touch R toe to the right diagonal. (8) Step down on R heel. (&) Ball step LF next to RF.

Styling: Whenever you hear the part in the song where Lady Gaga says ”Rain... On... Me...”, always coming at the end of each wall (Walls: 2, 6, 10 and 11) where you hear ” Rain on me, me, me, etc.” You do the following:

Toe Strue to the left – Put hands up in the air, drag them down wriggling fingers.
Toe strut to the right – Cross arms over chest, placing R hand on L shoulder and L hand on R shoulder.

Count 1 on start of dance, Stepping forward on RF – Point both thumbs towards yourself at shoulder height.

Have fun!

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