CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Miss This Kiss

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Frank Heelan (IRE) & Debbie Curran (IRE) - May 2020
This Kiss - Carly Rae Jepsen
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Intro: Starts on the word “out” 14secs. in.

Sec 1: Side hold & side rock, jazz box ¼ turn right.
1-2Step right to right, hold.
&3-4Step left next to right, rock right to right, recover to left.
5-6Cross right over left, step left to left.
7-8Turn ¼ right step right to right, step forward left. (3.00)

Sec 2: Step lock step, rock recover, coaster step, step hold,
1&2Step forward right, lock left behind, forward right.
3-4Rock forward left, recover to right.
5&6Step back left, right together, forward left.
7-8Step forward right, hold. (3.00)

Sec 3: Step ½ turn sway left, right, chasse left, rock back, recover, side.
1-2Step forward left, pivot ½ right (weight to right)
3-4Step left to left with hip sway, recover to right with hip sway.
5&6Step left to left, right together, step left to left.
7&8Cross rock right behind left, recover to left, step right to right. (9.00)

Sec 4: Cross, side, sailor ¼ turn, toe heel, toe heel ¼ turn.
1-2Cross left over right, step right to right.
3&4Turn ¼ left sweeping left around behind right, recover to right, step left to left. (6.00)
5-6Touch right toe forward, drop on to heel.
7-8Turn ¼ left touch left toe forward, drop on to heel.

Restart & step change: Wall 6 facing 3.00 dance the first15 counts and instead of the hold, step forward on the left and restart the dance facing 6.00.

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