CopperKnob Stepsheets

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All About You

( 10 Stimmen)
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Adam Åstmar (SWE) - February 2020
You (feat. Travis Barker) - James Arthur
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Intro: 24 counts, counting from the first clear piano beat, starting on vocals.
Sequence: A – Tag – B – Tag – A – Tag – B – A – B(16) - B – Ending

Big thank you to Niels Poulsen and Shane McKeever for tips and tricks to this dance!
It helped a lot! :)

(A – 64 Counts, Funky)
A – 1: Behind. Side Rock. Behind. ¼. ¼. Back.
1 – 2(1) Step LF behind RF. (2) Rock to the right on RF.
3 – 4(3) Recover on LF. (4) Step RF behind LF.
5 – 6(5) Turn ¼ left stepping forward on LF. (6) Turn ¼ left stepping right on RF. {6:00}
7 – 8(7) Step back on LF, starting to sweep RF back. (8) Finish sweeping RF.

A – 2: Behind. Side. Cross Rock. ¼. Step. ½ Turn. Stomp forward L, R.
1 – 2Step RF behind LF. (2) Step left on LF.
3 – 4(3) Cross rock RF over LF. (4) Recover on LF.
5 – 6(5) Turn ¼ right stepping forward on RF. (6) Step forward on LF. {9:00}
7 – 1(7) Turn ½ right stomping forward on RF. (8) Stomp forward on LF. (1) Stomp forward on RF. {3:00}

A – 3: Hitch. Back. Hitch. Coaster Step.
2 – 3(2) Hitch L knee with attitude. (3) Step back on LF.
4 – 5(4) Hitch R knee with attitude. (5) Step back on RF.
6 – 7(6) Close LF next to RF. (7) Step forward on RF starting to sweep LF forward.
8(8) Finish sweeping LF.

A – 4: Jazz Box ¼ Cross. Side Rock. Stomp Cross. Stomp Out, Out with Push, Preparing Hands.
1 – 2(1) Cross LF over RF. (2) Step back on RF.
3 – 4(3) Turn ¼ left stepping left on LF. (4) Cross RF over LF. {12:00}
5 – 6(5) Rock to the left on LF. (6) Recover on RF.
7 – 1(7) Stomp LF across RF. (8) Stomp to the right on RF. (1) Stomp to the left on LF, pushing upper body slightly to the left, putting weight on LF and placing R hand at L shoulder and L hand at R hip.

A – 5: Recover From Push, (Push Left, Recover.) X2, Arms Forming A Box. Step Forward Point Hand.
2 – 3(2) Recover on RF. (3) Push upper body slightly to the left placing weight on LF.
4 – 5(4) Recover on RF. (5) Push upper body slightly to the left placing weight on LF.
6 – 8(6) Recover on RF. (7) Step forward on LF starting to sweep RF forward. (8) Finish sweeping RF.

Arms forming a box:
(2) R hand to R shoulder and L hand to L hip.
(3) R hand to R hip and L hand to L shoulder.
(4) R hand to L hip and L hand to R shoulder.
(5) R hand to R hip and L hand to L shoulder.
(6) R hand to R shoulder and L hand to L hip.
(7) Point R hand forward.

A – 6: Jazz Box ¼ Cross. Out Out Putting Arms Up R, L. Bend Down, Hit Thighs With Fists X2. Cross.
1 – 2(1) Cross RF over LF. (2) Step back on LF.
3 – 4(3) Turn ¼ right stepping right on RF. (4) Cross LF over RF.
5 – 6(5) Step out on RF, putting R arm diagonally up to the right, palm facing forward.(6) Step out on LF, putting L arm diagonally up to the left, palm facing forward.
7 – 1(7) Form your hands to fists, bend body and knees, hitting your thighs with your fists.(8) Hit your thighs with your fists. (1) Cross RF over LF.

A – 7: Point. (Dip, Recover) X2. ¼. ½.
2 – 3(2) Point LF to the left. (3) Dip upper body to the left, putting weight on LF.
4 – 5(4) Recover on RF, raising body to normal position. (5) Dip upper body to the left, putting weight on LF.
6 – 7(6) Turn ¼ to the right recovering on RF, raising body to normal position.(7) Turn ½ to the right stepping back on LF, starting to sweep RF back.
8(8) Finish sweeping RF.

A – 8: Coaster Step. Step Forward. Mambo Step Forward. Touch.
1 – 2(1) Step back on RF. (2) Close LF next to RF.
3 – 4(3) Step forward on RF. (4) Step forward on LF.
5 – 6(5) Rock forward on RF. (6) Recover on LF.
7 – 8(7) Step back on RF. (8) Touch LF next to RF.

(B – 40 Counts, Nightclub) Counting now goes half the speed of the funky part.
B – 1: Nightclub Basic Left. Side, Behind, Side. Cross-Side-Back Rock. ¼. ¼. Step Forward.
1 – 2 &(1,2&) Nightclub basic to the left.
3 & 4(3) Step to the right on RF. (&) Step LF behind RF. (4) Step to the right on RF.
5 & 6(5) Cross LF over RF. (&) Step to the right on RF. (6) Turn upper body to the left diagonal, rocking back on LF.
7 & 8 &(7) Recover on RF. (&) Turn ¼ right stepping back on LF. (8) Turn ¼ right stepping right on RF. {6:00}(&) Step slightly forward on LF.

B – 2: (Step with Hitch, Step) x2 Butterflying Hands. Rock Forward. Sweep. Back with Sweep. Back. ½. Step. Touch.
1 – 2 &(1) Step forward on RF, hitching LF slightly. (2) Step forward on LF. (&) Repeat first count.
3 & 4(3) Hold and follow hand movement. (&) Step forward on LF. (4) Rock forward on RF.
5 – 6(5) Recover on LF, sweeping RF back. (6) Step back on RF, sweeping LF back.
7 & 8 &(7) Step back on LF. (&) Turn ½ right stepping forward on RF. (8) Step forward on LF. (&) Touch RF next to LF. {12:00}
- Restart occurs here at wall 6, third time you do B. Instead of touch you step down on RF. -

Butterfly hands:
(1) Put thumbs together with elbows pointing out to sides, fingers pointing up and palms facing in and start raising hands above your head, like a butterfly that flies away.
(2) Bring hands to start position, arms positioned horizontal to the floor.
(&) Repeat first count.
(3) Finish raising hands.
(&) Bring hands down.

Note! Next 16 counts are just mirrored to the above 16, except hand movements!
B – 3: Nightclub Basic Right. Side, Behind, Side. Cross-Side-Back Rock. ¼. ¼. Step Forward.
1 – 2 &(1,2&) Nightclub basic to the right.
3 & 4(3) Step to the left on LF. (&) Step RF behind LF. (4) Step to the left on LF.
5 & 6(5) Cross RF over LF. (&) Step to the left on LF. (6) Turn upper body to the right diagonal, rocking back on RF.
7 & 8 &(7) Recover on LF. (&) Turn ¼ left stepping back on RF. (8) Turn ¼ left stepping left on LF. {6:00}(&) Step slightly forward on RF.

B – 4: (Step with Hitch, Step) x2 Spreading Wings. Rock Forward. Sweep. Back with Sweep. Back. ½. Step. Touch.
1 – 2 &(1) Step forward on LF, hitching RF slightly.(2) Step forward on RF. (&) Repeat first count.
3 & 4(3) Hold and follow hand movement. (&) Step forward on RF. (4) Rock forward on LF.
5 – 6(5) Recover on RF, sweeping LF back. (6) Step back on LF, sweeping RF back.
7 & 8 &(7) Step back on RF. (&) Turn ½ right stepping forward on LF. (8) Step forward on RF. (&) Touch LF next to RF. {12:00}

Spreading wings:
(1) Stretch arms to the sides and lift them slightly, as you’re trying to fly away.
(2) Lower arms slightly.
(&) Repeat first count.
(3) Finish raising arms.
(&) Brings arms down.

B – 5: Nightclub Basic Left. Sway R, L. Nightclub Basic Right. Sway L, R.
1 – 2 &(1,2&) Nightclub basic to the left.
3 – 4(3) Step to the right on RF, swaying to the right. (4) Sway to the left.
5 – 6 &(5,6&) Nightclub basic to the right.
7 – 8(7) Step to the left on LF, swaying to the left. (4) Sway to the right.

(The counting of the tag follows the same beat as A – Funky Part)
Tag: Step Side, Stretch Right Hand Forward. Recover Right, Pull Hand Slowly In.
1 – 4(1) Step to the left on LF, starting to extend R hand forward, as you’re giving something to someone.(2 - 4) Keep extending hand forward.
5 – 8(5) Recover weight on RF, starting to pull R arm in. (6 - 8) Keep pulling hand in.

(The counting of the ending follows the same beat as B – Nightclub Part)
Ending: Nightclub Basic Left. Sway R, L. Step Side, Stretch Right Hand Forward. Stretch Left Hand Forward. Lift Hands. Pull Hands Slowly Down.
1 – 2 &(1,2&) Nightclub basic to the left.
3 – 4(3) Step to the right on RF, swaying to the right. (4) Sway to the left.
5 – 8(5) Step to the right, starting to extend R hand forward. (6) Finish extending R hand.(7) Keep R hand where it is, starting to extend L hand forward. (8) Finish extending L hand.
1 – 4(1) Start to lift both hands up in the air. (2) Finish lifting both hands, they should be above your head.(3) Start pulling both hands down, shoulder width and on either side of your head. (4) Finish with hands in fists next to your shoulders.

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