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Shake The Family Tree

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Greg Van Zilen (USA) - February 2020
Family Tree - Caylee Hammack
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Intro: 16 count

(1-8) R kick-together-touch side L, L kick-together-touch side R, R forward rock, replace, R coaster cross
1&2Kick right foot forward, step right next to left, touch left toe to side.
3&4Kick left foot forward, step left foot next to right, touch right toe to side
5,6Step right foot forward, replace weight onto left foot.
7&8Step right foot back, step left foot next to right, cross right foot over left.

(9-16) Left side rock, replace, L behind – ¼ right – step left, Monterey turn ½ right
1,2Step left foot to side, replace weight onto right foot
3&4Cross left foot behind right, ¼ turn right stepping right foot forward, step left foot forward.
5,6Touch right toe to side, on ball of left foot pivot ½ turn right stepping right foot next to left.
7,8Touch left toe to side, step left foot next to right.

(17-24) Heel switches R-L, walk forward right, left, right sailor step, left sailor step with ¼ turn left
1&2&Touch right heel forward, step right foot next to left, touch left heel forward, step left foot next to right.
3,4Step right foot forward, step left foot forward.
5&6Cross right foot behind left, step left foot slightly to side, step right foot slightly to side.
7&8On ball of right foot make ¼ turn left crossing left foot behind right, step right foot slightly to side, step left foot slightly to side.

(25-32) Rock forward right, replace, ½ turn right triple step, bump hips left, bump hips right
1,2Step right foot forward, replace weight onto left foot.
3&4¼ turn right stepping right foot to side, step left foot next to right, ¼ turn right stepping right foot forward.
5&6Step left foot slightly forward bumping hips left, bump right, bump left.
7&8Step right foot slightly forward bumping hips right, bump left, bump right.
Restart: After tag dance the first 32 counts (you will be back to front (12:00); add & shifting weight onto left foot.

(33-40) Rock forward left, replace, ½ turn left triple step, bump hips right, bump hips left
1,2Step left foot forward, replace weight onto right foot.
3&4¼ turn left stepping left foot to side, step right foot next to left, ¼ turn left stepping left foot forward.
5&6Step right foot slightly forward bumping hips right, bump left, bump right.
7&8Step left foot slightly forward bumping hips left, bump right, bump left.

(41-48) Vaudeville, unwind ½ turn left, swivel ¼ turn right
1&2&Cross right foot over left, step left foot to side, touch right heel forward, step right foot slightly back.
3&4&Cross left foot over right, step right foot to side, touch left heel forward, step left foot slightly back.
5,6Cross right foot over left, on balls of both feet unwind ½ turn left.
7&8On balls of both feet swivel heels left, right, left making ¼ turn right and ending with weight on left foot.

Tag: After 4 complete walls you will be facing front (12:00), over 8 counts make a small circle turning left
(counter-clockwise) stepping R, L, R, L, R, L, R, L.

Thanks to my daughter Abigail for naming this dance and making sure it had enough hip bumps.

Step description by Outta Line Country Dance Instruction
Greg & Samantha Van Zilen (860) 989-7292

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