CopperKnob Stepsheets

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And We Were In Love

( 114 Stimmen)
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The Highlander (UK) - February 2020
We Were In Love - Toby Keith
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Intro: 32 counts (Just Before Lyrics)

Sec 1 Side, Behind, Chassé ¼ Turn, Step Turn, 1/4 Turn Chassé.
1,2Step R to right side, Step L behind R,
3&4Step R to right, Step L next to R, Turn ¼ right stepping R forward, (3.00)
5,6,Step L forward, Pivot ½ turn right stepping onto R. (09.00)
7&8Turn ¼ right stepping L to left side, Step R next to L, Step L to left side (12.00)

Sec 2 Behind, ¼ Turn, Forward Rock, Shuffle ½ Turn Right, Shuffle ½ Turn Right.
1,2Step R behind L, Turn ¼ left stepping L forward, (9.00)
3,4Rock forward onto R, Recover onto L,
5&6Moving back Turn 1/2 right steping R, L R, (03.00)
7&8Moving forward Turn ½ right, stepping L,R,L, (09.00)

Sec 3 Coaster Step, Skate forward L, R, Forward Rock, Coaster Step.
1&2Step R back, Step L next to R, Step R forward,
3,4Skate forward L, R (Stepping to left and right diagonals),
5,6Rock forward onto L, Recover onto R,
7&8Step L back, Step R next to L, Step L forward.
*** Restart here during wall 5 *** .
Sec 4 Forward Rock, Triple ¾ Turn Right, Forward Rock, Coaster Cross.
1,2Rock forward onto R, Recover onto L,
3&4Turn ¾ right on the spot stepping R, L R, (06.00)
5,6Rock forward onto L, Recover onto R,
7&8Step L back, Step R next to L, Step L over R.

Sec 5 Touch, Kick, Behind Side Cross, Touch, Kick, Sailor ¼ Turn.
1,2Touch R next to L, Kick R to right diagonal,
3&4Step R behind L, Step L to left side, Step R over L,
5,6Touch L next to R, Kick L to left diagnal,
7&8Step L behind R, Turn ¼ left stepping R next to L, Step L forward.(03.00)
Sec 6 Step Turn, Shuffle Turn, Back Rock, Shuffle Forward.
1,2Step R forward, Pivot ½ turn left stepping onto L, (09.00)
3&4Moving forward ½ turn left stepping R,L,R, (03.00)
5,6Rock back onto L, Recover onto R,
7&8Step L forward, Step R next to L, Step L forward.
*** 4 Count Bridge here during wall 6, see below***

Sec 7 Syncopated Vine, Cross Rock, Chassé ¼ Turn.
1,2,Step R to right side, Step L behind R,
&3,4Step R to right side (&),Cross L over R, Step R to right side,
5,6Cross Rock L over R, Recover onto R,
7&8Step L to left, Step R next to L, Turn ¼ left stepping L forward.(12.00)

Sec 8 Step ¼ Turn, Cross Shuffle, Side Rock, Behind Side Cross.
1,2Step R forward, Pivot ¼ left stepping onto L. (09.00)
3&4Cross R over L, Step L to left side, Cross R over L,
5,6Rock L to left side, Recover onto R,
7&8Step L behind R, Step R to right side, Cross L over R.

Restart During Wall 5 After Section 3

Bridge (Occurs after Sec 6, during Wall 6)
1,2,3,4Sway right, left, right left.
After Bridge continue dance with Sec 7, (Syncopated Vine)
Murphsmum February 14, 2020
Love this Alistar ………… choose such wonderful music and then add your magic to create

the perfect dance Thank You Vicky Talsarnau North Wales

ldhighlander February 15, 2020
Thank you very much Vicky (Murphsmum) for your very kind comment. I really appreciate it.

Hi Alistar
Murphsmum is now MERMAIDSANDWALES and I still love this dance of yours. .Class is back again now here on our coastline and I can at last teach it to my friends . No more dancing like Billy no mates on this here Rhynog mountain over looking the beautiful Irish sea and with Snowdon in the distance . Bliss to dance again
,Pure bliss and your dance is on my playlist ..Many Thanks Vicky.

ldhighlander July 7, 2021
Dancing again is great news for you and your dancers Vicky. We've been dancing at 1 venue since mid may, but not all venues are allowing this. Fingers crossed that it will last. Happy dancing to you all.

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