CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Words I Never Said

( 2 Stimmen)
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High Improver
Lucy Cooper (UK) - January 2020
Before You Go - Lewis Capaldi
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Intro: 4 counts

Walk, Walk, Walk, Touch, Ball, Back, Back, Coaster Step
1 2Walk right forward, walk left forward
3 4&Walk right forward, touch left behind right, step left ball back
5 6Step right back, step left back
7&8Step right back, bring left in, step right forward

Pivot ¼ R, Cross, Hold, Side, Behind, Side, Cross Shuffle
1 2Step left forward, pivot turn ¼ right ending with weight on the right (3.00)
3 4&Cross left in front of right, hold, step right to side
5 6Cross left behind right, step right to side
7&8Cross left over right, step right to side, cross left over right
(Restart here Wall 3)

Scuff, Side, Back Rock, Scuff, Side, Back Rock, Side, Touch, ¼ Turn L, Scuff
1&2&Scuff right forward, step right to right side, rock left back, recover onto right
3&4&Scuff left forward, step left to left side, rock right back, recover onto left
5 6Step right to side, touch left next to right
7 8Step left forward turning ¼ left, scuff right forward (12.00)

Vaudevillles R & L, Cross, ¼ Turn R, Back Rock
1&2&Cross right over left, step left to side, touch right heel to right diagonal, step right to side
3&4&Cross left over right, step right to side, touch left heel to left diagonal, step left to side
5 6Cross right over left, step left back turning ¼ right (3.00)
7 8Rock right back, recover onto left

Full spiral turn L, Walk, Walk, Cross with Sweep, Cross Rock
1 2Step right forward into a full spiral turn left ending with the left foot crossed in front of the right and weight on the right foot (3.00)
3 4Walk left forward, walk right forward
5 6Cross left over right sweeping the right round to the front over 2 counts
7 8Cross right over left, step left back turning ¼ right (6.00)
(Restart here Wall 6)

Side, Sway, Sway, Side with Drag, Back Rock
1 2Big step right to right side over 2 counts
3 4Sway left, sway right
5 6Step left to left side dragging the right in over 2 counts
7 8Rock right behind left, recover onto left

Triple Step ½ Turn R, Triple Step ¾ R, Forward, Forward Rock, Back, Back
1 2&Step right forward turning ¼ right, step left to side turning ¼ right, bring right in
3 4&Step left back turning ¼ right, step right to side turning ½ right, bring left in (9.00)
5 6&Step right forward, rock left forward, recover onto right
7 8Step left back, step right back

Back, Syncopated Coaster Step, Cross, Point, Turning Sailor ½ R, Walk, Walk
1 2&Step left back, step right back, bring left in
3 4Step right forward, cross left over right
5 6&Point right toe to right side, cross right behind left turning ½ right, step left to side
7 8Walk right forward, walk left forward (3.00)

Wall 3 (facing 6.00) dance the first 16 counts, then begin the dance again (9.00)
Wall 6 (facing 3.00) dance the first 40 counts, then begin the dance again (9.00)

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