Intro: 32 Counts...On The Word “Circled”
Restart With Step Change On Wall 3 After 16 Counts
Sec 1: Stomp Fwd, Hold, Heel Twists (R&L)
1-2Stomp R fwd (1), Hold (2)
&3&4Twist R heel out (&), Twist R heel in (3), Twist R heel out (&), Twist R heel in and step (4)
5-6Stomp L fwd (5), Hold (6)
&7&8Twist L heel out (&), Twist L heel in (7), Twist L heel out (&), Twist L heel in and step (8)
Sec 2: Triple Fwd (R), Fwd Rock/Rec (L), ½ Left Turn x 3, Step Fwd (R)
1&2Step R fwd (1), Step L next to R (&), Step R fwd (2)
3-4Rock L fwd (3), Recover on R (4)
5-6Step L fwd - ½ left (5), Step R back - ½ left (6)
7-8Step L fwd - ½ left (7), Step R fwd (8)
***Restart Here On Wall 3 With Step Change***
Sec 3: Vaudeville (L&R)
1-2Step L to left (1), Step R behind L (2)
&3&4Step L to left (&), Touch R heel fwd (3), Step R next to L (&), Cross L over R (4)
5-6Step R to right (5), Step L behind R (6)
&7&8Step R to right (&), Touch L heel fwd (7), Step L next to R (&), Cross R over L (8)
Sec 4: Stomp Side, Hold, Sailor Step (R), Sailor Step (L), Kick-Ball-Change (R)
1-2Stomp L to left (1), Hold (2)
3&4Cross R behind L (3), Step L to left (&), Step R to right (4)
5&6Cross L behind R (5), Step R to right (&), Step L to left (6)
7&8Kick R fwd (7), Step on ball of R next to L (&), Step L next to R (weight on L) (8)
Step Change: In Section 2 After Count 8, Add A Ball Step with Left foot to make it 8&. Restart Dance!
Let's Dance!!!
Restart With Step Change On Wall 3 After 16 Counts
Sec 1: Stomp Fwd, Hold, Heel Twists (R&L)
1-2Stomp R fwd (1), Hold (2)
&3&4Twist R heel out (&), Twist R heel in (3), Twist R heel out (&), Twist R heel in and step (4)
5-6Stomp L fwd (5), Hold (6)
&7&8Twist L heel out (&), Twist L heel in (7), Twist L heel out (&), Twist L heel in and step (8)
Sec 2: Triple Fwd (R), Fwd Rock/Rec (L), ½ Left Turn x 3, Step Fwd (R)
1&2Step R fwd (1), Step L next to R (&), Step R fwd (2)
3-4Rock L fwd (3), Recover on R (4)
5-6Step L fwd - ½ left (5), Step R back - ½ left (6)
7-8Step L fwd - ½ left (7), Step R fwd (8)
***Restart Here On Wall 3 With Step Change***
Sec 3: Vaudeville (L&R)
1-2Step L to left (1), Step R behind L (2)
&3&4Step L to left (&), Touch R heel fwd (3), Step R next to L (&), Cross L over R (4)
5-6Step R to right (5), Step L behind R (6)
&7&8Step R to right (&), Touch L heel fwd (7), Step L next to R (&), Cross R over L (8)
Sec 4: Stomp Side, Hold, Sailor Step (R), Sailor Step (L), Kick-Ball-Change (R)
1-2Stomp L to left (1), Hold (2)
3&4Cross R behind L (3), Step L to left (&), Step R to right (4)
5&6Cross L behind R (5), Step R to right (&), Step L to left (6)
7&8Kick R fwd (7), Step on ball of R next to L (&), Step L next to R (weight on L) (8)
Step Change: In Section 2 After Count 8, Add A Ball Step with Left foot to make it 8&. Restart Dance!
Let's Dance!!!