CopperKnob Stepsheets

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5 Miles

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Valentine Duret (FR) - November 2019
5 Miles - James Blunt
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Start: 16 counts

Section 1 - Step Fd on Diag. - Lock - Step Fd on Diag. - Touch – Modified Rolling Vine with 1 1/4 turn
1 - 2Step Fd R on R diagonal - Lock L behind R
3 - 4Step Fd R on R diagonal - Touch L next to R
5 - 6Step Fd L with 1/4 turn L - Step Back on R with 1/2 turn L
7 & 8L Shuffle with 1/2 turn L

Section 2 - Sweep Cross over - Step Back - Side shuffle with 1/4 turn R – Sway L & R - Cross shuffle
1 - 2Cross R over L with sweep R back to front - Step Back on L
3 & 4Step R to R - Step L together - Step Fd R with 1/4 turn R
5 - 6Sway L - Sway R
7 & 8Cross L over R - Step R to R - Step L over R * restart here on wall 2

Section 3 - Monterey 1/4 turn R - R Mambo Fd - L Mambo Bck
1 - 2Point R to R - Step R next to L with 1/4 turn R
3 - 4Point L to L - Step L together
5 & 6Rock R Fd - Recover on L - Step R together
7 & 8Rock L Back - Recover on R - Step L together

Section 4 - Walk (X2) with 1/4 turn - Shuffle with 1/4 turn R - Kick - Out Out - Swivel R Toe/R Heel - Touch
1 - 2Walk R / L with 1/4 turn R
3 & 4Step R Fd with 1/4 turn R - Step L together - Step R Fd
5 & 6Kick L Fd - Step R Out - Step L Out
7 & 8Swivel R toe in - R Heel in - Touch R next to L

Tag: End of wall 8 (facing 3.oo)
Jazz box with 1/4 turn R
1 - 4Cross R over L - Step Bck on L with 1/4 turn R - Step R to R - Step L together

Last Update – 16 Jan. 2020

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