CopperKnob Stepsheets

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( 212 Stimmen)
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Phrased Advanced
Debbie Rushton (UK), Guillaume Richard (FR) & Darren Bailey (UK) - October 2019
Gimme Gimme - Johnny Stimson
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** The winning Dance from the Pro competition at Windy City Linedance Mania **

Intro: 16 Counts
Pattern: A, A, B, A, A, B, A, B, Ending

Part A
Side Rock, Recover, Close, Step to L, Heel, Toe, Cross, Back, Shuffle R
1-2&Rock RF to R side, Recover on LF, Close RF next to LF
3&4Step LF to L side, Twist R heel toward LF, Twist R toes towards LF (Weight stays on LF)
5-6Cross RF over LF, Step LF back
7&8Step RF to R side, Close LF next to RF, Step RF to R side

Rock forward, Recover, Close, Press, Shoulder pops, Ball Step, Pivot 1/2 R, Boogie forward
1-2&Rock LF forward, Recover onto RF, Step LF next to RF (add body roll for counts 1-2)
3&4Press RF forward, Shrug R shoulder down/L shoulder up, Shrug L shoulder up/R shoulder down
&5-6Step RF next to LF, Step forward on LF, Pivot 1/2 R (6:00)
7&8Boogie walk forward L, R. L

Dorothy R, Dorothy L, Jazz Box with 1/4 turn R & Cross
1-2&Step RF to R diagonal, Lock LF behind RF, Step RF to R diagonal
3-4&Step LF to L diagonal, Lock RF behind LF, Step LF to L diagonal
5-6Cross RF over LF, Step back on LF making a 1/4 turn R (9:00)
7-8Step RF to R side, Cross LF over RF

Step R, Hip Roll, Behind, Side, Cross, Rock, Recover 1/4 turn L, Kick Ball Step
1-2Step RF to R side while rolling hips counter clockwise and bump to L
3&4Cross LF behind RF, Step RF to R side, Cross LF over RF
5-6Rock RF to R side, Recover onto LF making a 1/4 turn L (6:00)
7&8Kick RF forward, Step RF next to LF, Step forward slightly on LF

A2 ending (Each time part A finishes faces 12:00 replace counts 7&8 with A2)
Touch, Jump Out, Jump In
7&8Touch RF next to LF, Jump both feet out, Jump both feet in (weight on LF)

A3 ending (When dancing the single A replace counts 5-8 with A3) 3/4 L walk around to 12:00, Jump together
5-6-7-8Walk around in a circle making a 3/4 turn L stepping R, L, R, Jump with both feet together

Part B
Shimmy Back x3, Rock and Point, Body Roll, Close, Side, Knee pop
1-2-3Step back on RF, Step back on LF, Step back on RF (dance with shoulder shimmies)
4&Rock back on LF, Recover onto RF
5-6Touch LF to L side, Body Roll to the L finishing with weight on LF
&7&8Close RF next to LF, Step LF to L side, Pop R knee in towards L, Pop R knee out (keep weight on LF)

Full turn R, Shuffle R, Cross, Up, Down, Rock, Recover with Hitch
1-2Turn 1/4 R stepping RF fwd (3:00), Turn 1/2 R stepping LF back (9:00)
3&4Turn 1/4 R stepping RF to R side, Close LF next to RF, Step RF to R side (the shuffle can be danced while bending the knees slightly and turning them out in out (12:00)
5&6Cross LF over RF making a 1/8 turn R (1:30), Raise up onto balls of feet, drop heels down (weight stays on LF) (use hands as if pushing up from a counter at the same time as rising to balls of feet)
7-8Rock RF forward to R diagonal, Recover onto LF and hitch R knee clicking both hands slightly forward

Back w/ Sweeps x2, Behind, Side, Cross Shuffle, 1/2 turn L, Triple Full turn R
1-2Step back on RF while sweeping LF from front to back, Step back on LF while sweeping RF from front to back
3&4&Cross RF behind LF making a 1/8 R (3:00), Step LF to L side, Cross RF over LF, Step LF to L side
5-6Cross RF over LF, (Body faces 1/8 L) (1:30), Pivot 1/2 L placing weight on LF (7:30)
7&8Turn 1/2 R stepping forward on RF, Turn 1/2 R stepping onto LF, Step slightly forward on RF (7:30)

Walk x2, Shuffle L, Side, Touch w/ Click, Step L, Heel, Toe, Touch
1-2Step forward on LF Sweeping RF from back to front, step forward on RF sweeping LF from back to front
3&4Step forward on LF, Close RF next to LF, Step forward on LF
&5-6Step RF to R side turning 1/8 turn L (6:00), Point LF behind RF, Click R hand down to R side, Step LF to
L side
7&8Twist R heel in toward LF, Twist R toes in towards LF, Touch RF next to LF

Slide R, Slide L, Full Circle Walk Around R, L, R, Side L
1-2Take a big step to R side and slightly to the Diagonal, Touch LF next to RF
3-4Take a big step to L side and slightly to the Diagonal, Touch RF next to LF
5-6Step RF fwd turning 1/4 R, Step LF fwd turning 1/4 R
7-8Step RF fwd turning 1/4 R, Step LF to L turning 1/4 R (6:00)

R Sailor, L Sailor with a touch, Close, Cross, 1/2 turn L, Walk R, L
1&2Cross RF behind LF, Step LF to L side, Step RF to R side
3&4Cross LF behind RF, Step RF to R side, Touch LF to L side
&5-6Close LF next to RF, Cross RF over LF with arms out to sides bent at the elbows (forearms parallel to the floor), Turn 1/2 L taking weight onto LF (12:00)
7-8Step forward on RF, Step forward on LF

Ending: Repeat section B from counts 33 to 45 finishing in the cross position with arms out to sides bent at the elbows (forearms parallel to the floor) and head down.
You can also think of the pattern as:
A, A2, B, A, A2, B, A3, B, Ending

2 APR '20 50
catman October 16, 2019
wow! Fabulous dance. Hope my instructor picks this up ASAP.

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