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Laughter in the Rain

( 1 Stimmen)
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Debbie Nishiki (USA) - October 2019
Laughter In the Rain - Neil Sedaka : (Album: The Definitive Collection)
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Intro: 16 counts and start dance with lyric “Strolling”

S1 (1-8) Walk Walk R L, Shuffle forward, Rock, Recover, Shuffle ½ L turn
1-2Walk R L (12:00)
3&4Step forward on R, Step L beside R, Step forward on R (12:00)
5-6Forward rock on L, Recover on R (12:00)
7&8Make ½ shuffle turn L stepping LRL (6:00)

S2 (1-8) Rocking chair, Side rock, Recover, Cross shuffle
1-2-3-4Rock forward on R, Recover on L, Rock back on R, Recover on L (6:00)
(Tag and Restart: Walls 3 and 6)
5-6Side Rock on R, Recover on L (6:00)
7&8Cross R over L, Step L to left side, Cross R over L (6:00)

S3 (1-8) ¼ turn R, ¼ turn R, Cross shuffle, Side rock, Recover, Sailor step ¼ R turn
1-2Turn ¼ R, Turn ¼ R (12:00)
3&4Cross L over R, Step R to right side, Cross L over R (12:00)
5-6Side Rock on R, Recover on L (12:00)
7&8¼ turn sweep R, Step L to left side, Step R to R side with a touch (3:00)

S4 (1-8) Basic NC2S, Basic NC2S with ¼ R turn
1-2-3-4Slide R to right side(2 cts), Rock L behind R, Recover on R (3:00)
5-6-7-8¼ R turn, Slide L to left side(2 cts), Rock R behind L, Recover on L (6:00)

(Start over)

Tag and Restart: Wall 3 and 6 after 12 counts: Step touches R L and raise arms swaying R L and wiggle fingers (do this simultaneously)
1-2-3-4Step R to right side, touch L next to R, Step L to left side, touch R next to L

Ending: Wall 9 dance up to 20 counts – with remaining 4 counts: Rock, Recover, Behind side cross and raise and lower hands with wiggling fingers!!
1-2,3&4Side Rock to right side, Recover on L, step R behind L, Step L to left side, cross R over L

Enjoy y'all!!

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