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A Woman's Love Is All

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Erica de Vaan (NL) - August 2019
A Woman's Love - Willie Nelson
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Intro : 16 counts (on the beat) dance starts before the song

Side step, rock back, recover, ¼ R side step, rock back, recover, side, cross behind, ¼ R step fwd, step, pivot ½ turn R, step, lock
1RF large step R
2 &LF rock back – recover on RF
3¼ turn R, LF large step L
4 &RF rock back – recover on LF
5 & 6RF step aside, LF cross behind, RF step fwd ¼ turn R
7 &LF step fwd, LF+RF turn ½ R
8 &LF step fwd, RF cross behind
(step 8 & 1 together is a lockstep)

Step, Cross mambo, Cross mambo ¼ L, step, pivot ½ turn L, step, step fwd ¼ turn R, ½ turn R
1LF step fwd
2 & 3RF cross rock, recover on LF, RF step aside
4 & 5LF cross rock, recover on RF, LF step fwd ¼ L
6 & 7RF step fwd, RF+LF turn ½ L, RF step fwd
8 &LF step ¼ turn R fwd, RF step ½ turn R back

(step 8 &1 together is a full turn forward, or an alternative shuffle forward)

Step fwd ¼ turn R, cross over, step back, step back R + L, rock back, recover, step fwd ½ turn L, rock back, recover
1LF step fwd ¼ turn R
2 & 3RF cross over, LF step back, RF a small step back
4 & 5LF cross over, RF step back, LF a small step back
6 & 7RF rock back, recover on LF, RF step fwd ½ turn L
8 &LF rock back, recover on RF

Step fwd ½ turn R, (sweep behind) extended weave L, mambo cross, hinge 2x ¼ L, cross rock, recover
1LF step fwd ½ turn R - RF sweep behind
2 &RF cross behind, LF step aside,
3 & 4RF cross over, LF step aside, RF cross behind
5 & 6LF rock aside, recover on RF, LF cross over
7 &RF step aside ¼ L, LF step back ¼ L
8 &RF cross rock, recover on LF

Start over again!
The music is slowing down a little at the end. Dance the 7th wall [6] (retarding) until count 5 from session 2 and finish with:
6RF step fwd
7RF+LF turn ¼ L [12]


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