High Intermediate
#16 counts from the beginning, 11 sec. into track - dance begins with weight on L
There’s a 16 count Tag after wall 1, you’ll be facing 3.00
[1-8] Ball 1/8, 1/4, run 5/8, behind side, cross rock, side, touch, kick
&1-2(&) Step fwd. on R turning 1/8 L, (1) cross L over R, (2) turn 1/4 R stepping fwd. on R 1.30
3&4(3&4) Run 5/8 R finishing with stepping L to L (small steps) 9.00
5&6&(5) Cross R behind, (&) step L to L, (6) cross rock R over L, (6) recover onto L (small steps) 9.00
7&8(7) Step R to R, (&) touch L next to R, (8) low kick L diagonally L 9.00
[9-16] Side, cross, 1/4, 1/4, fwd., 1/2, 3/8, shuffle
1-2(1) Step L to L, (2) cross R over L 9.00
3&4(3) turn 1/4 R stepping back on L, (&) turn 1/4 R stepping slightly fwd. on R, (4) step fwd. on L prepping to turn L 3.00
5-6(5) Turn 1/2 L stepping back on R, (6) turn 3/8 L stepping fwd. on L 4.30
7&8(7) Step fwd. on R, (&) step R next to L, (8) step fwd. on R 4.30
[17-24] Fwd. coaster with shoulder pops, coaster step, bump 3/8, bump,
&1-2(&) Step fwd. on L (pop R shoulder up, L shoulder down), (1) step R next to L (pop L shoulder up, R shoulder down), (2) step back on L 4.30
3&4(3) Step back on R, (&) step L next to R, (4) step fwd. on R 4.30
5&6&(5&6&) Step L slightly L and start bumping your hips L, R, L, R making 3/8 R 9.00
7-8(7) Put down your weight on L starting to sweep R from front to back, (8) finish the sweep 9.00
[25-32] Sailor step, behind side cross, 1/4, lock across, back, 1/4, walk R, L
&1-2(&) Cross R behind L, (1) step L to L, (2) step R to R 9.00
3&4(3) Cross L behind R, (&) step R to R, (4) cross L over R 9.00
5&6(5) Turn 1/4 L stepping back on R, (&) lock L across R (6) step back on R 6.00
&7-8(&) Turn 1/4 stepping slightly fwd. on L, (7-8) walk fwd. R, L 3.00
[1-8] Ball step, 1/4, samba step, cross, back, chassé 1/4
&1-2(&) Step fwd. on R, (1) step fwd. on L, (2) turn 1/4 R
3&4(3) Cross L over R, (&) rock R to R, (4) recover onto L (move slightly fwd. doing this)
5-6(5) Cross R over L, (6) step back on L
7&8(7) Turn 1/4 L stepping R to R, (&) step L next to R, (8) step R to R
[9-16] Ball, side rock, touch, ball cross, 1/4, 1/4, side, fwd.
&1-2(&) Step L next to R, (1) rock R to R, (2) recover onto L
3&4(3) Touch R next to L, (&) step R next to L, (4) cross L over R
5-6(5) Turn 1/4 R stepping fwd. on R, (6) turn 1/4 R stepping back on L
7-8(8) Step R slightly R, (8) step fwd. on L
Last Update – 31 Aug. 2019 - R2
There’s a 16 count Tag after wall 1, you’ll be facing 3.00
[1-8] Ball 1/8, 1/4, run 5/8, behind side, cross rock, side, touch, kick
&1-2(&) Step fwd. on R turning 1/8 L, (1) cross L over R, (2) turn 1/4 R stepping fwd. on R 1.30
3&4(3&4) Run 5/8 R finishing with stepping L to L (small steps) 9.00
5&6&(5) Cross R behind, (&) step L to L, (6) cross rock R over L, (6) recover onto L (small steps) 9.00
7&8(7) Step R to R, (&) touch L next to R, (8) low kick L diagonally L 9.00
[9-16] Side, cross, 1/4, 1/4, fwd., 1/2, 3/8, shuffle
1-2(1) Step L to L, (2) cross R over L 9.00
3&4(3) turn 1/4 R stepping back on L, (&) turn 1/4 R stepping slightly fwd. on R, (4) step fwd. on L prepping to turn L 3.00
5-6(5) Turn 1/2 L stepping back on R, (6) turn 3/8 L stepping fwd. on L 4.30
7&8(7) Step fwd. on R, (&) step R next to L, (8) step fwd. on R 4.30
[17-24] Fwd. coaster with shoulder pops, coaster step, bump 3/8, bump,
&1-2(&) Step fwd. on L (pop R shoulder up, L shoulder down), (1) step R next to L (pop L shoulder up, R shoulder down), (2) step back on L 4.30
3&4(3) Step back on R, (&) step L next to R, (4) step fwd. on R 4.30
5&6&(5&6&) Step L slightly L and start bumping your hips L, R, L, R making 3/8 R 9.00
7-8(7) Put down your weight on L starting to sweep R from front to back, (8) finish the sweep 9.00
[25-32] Sailor step, behind side cross, 1/4, lock across, back, 1/4, walk R, L
&1-2(&) Cross R behind L, (1) step L to L, (2) step R to R 9.00
3&4(3) Cross L behind R, (&) step R to R, (4) cross L over R 9.00
5&6(5) Turn 1/4 L stepping back on R, (&) lock L across R (6) step back on R 6.00
&7-8(&) Turn 1/4 stepping slightly fwd. on L, (7-8) walk fwd. R, L 3.00
[1-8] Ball step, 1/4, samba step, cross, back, chassé 1/4
&1-2(&) Step fwd. on R, (1) step fwd. on L, (2) turn 1/4 R
3&4(3) Cross L over R, (&) rock R to R, (4) recover onto L (move slightly fwd. doing this)
5-6(5) Cross R over L, (6) step back on L
7&8(7) Turn 1/4 L stepping R to R, (&) step L next to R, (8) step R to R
[9-16] Ball, side rock, touch, ball cross, 1/4, 1/4, side, fwd.
&1-2(&) Step L next to R, (1) rock R to R, (2) recover onto L
3&4(3) Touch R next to L, (&) step R next to L, (4) cross L over R
5-6(5) Turn 1/4 R stepping fwd. on R, (6) turn 1/4 R stepping back on L
7-8(8) Step R slightly R, (8) step fwd. on L
Last Update – 31 Aug. 2019 - R2