#Start on vocial
Sec1; Vine right,touch,arabian style
1-4Step RtoR,step LbehindtoR,stepRtoR,touchL forward
5-8Arabian hand&head
Sec2; Vine left, same the sec1
Sec3; Leap arm extension,recover x3
1-2Leap forward right step(at the same time extend right arm forward)
3-4Leap back left step
5-8Right step forward,left step back(x2)
Sec4; Charleston
1-4Step R fwd,point L fwd
5-8Step L back,point R back
sec5; Stomp R diag, hill swivel,flick
1-4Stomp R diag(1;30)
5-8Left foot swivel hill out,in,out,in flick
sec6; Stomp L diag, hill swivel,flick
1-4Stomp L diag(10.30)
5-8Left foot swivel hill out,in,out,in flick
sec7; Right step back arm circle
1-4R step back make the big circle R arm
5-8Big circle R arm(X2)
sec8; Pivot1/2L,pivot1/4L,pose
1-4Step R forward,1/2left step L in place
5-8Step R forward,1/4left step L(pose of like a ability man)
#No Tag,Restart.
#Enjoy the dance
#Contact email;
Sec1; Vine right,touch,arabian style
1-4Step RtoR,step LbehindtoR,stepRtoR,touchL forward
5-8Arabian hand&head
Sec2; Vine left, same the sec1
Sec3; Leap arm extension,recover x3
1-2Leap forward right step(at the same time extend right arm forward)
3-4Leap back left step
5-8Right step forward,left step back(x2)
Sec4; Charleston
1-4Step R fwd,point L fwd
5-8Step L back,point R back
sec5; Stomp R diag, hill swivel,flick
1-4Stomp R diag(1;30)
5-8Left foot swivel hill out,in,out,in flick
sec6; Stomp L diag, hill swivel,flick
1-4Stomp L diag(10.30)
5-8Left foot swivel hill out,in,out,in flick
sec7; Right step back arm circle
1-4R step back make the big circle R arm
5-8Big circle R arm(X2)
sec8; Pivot1/2L,pivot1/4L,pose
1-4Step R forward,1/2left step L in place
5-8Step R forward,1/4left step L(pose of like a ability man)
#No Tag,Restart.
#Enjoy the dance
#Contact email;