CopperKnob Stepsheets

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New York City

( 3 Stimmen)
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High Improver
David Chamberlain (UK) - July 2019
New York City - Kylie Minogue
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Intro: 8 counts

Section 1: Step half pivot turn, Shuffle Fwd, Full turn, Shuffle fwd with knee pop
1,2 Step forward onto right foot, pivot 1/2 turn left (6:00),
3&4 Step forward onto right, Close left next to right, step forward right.
5, 6 Step back left turn half turn over right shoulder (12:00), Step fwd right making half turn over right shoulder (6:00),
7&8 Step left forward, Step right beside left popping both knees, Step forward. (Optional shoulder shake down Left, right, left)

Section 2: Step half pivot turn , Cross side rock recover x2, Shuffle Fwd.
1,2 Step forward onto right foot, pivot 1/2 turn Left (12:00)
3&4 Cross right over left, Rock left to left side recover weight on to right
5&6 Cross left over right, Rock right to right side recover weight on to left
7&8 Step forward onto right , Close Left next to right, step forward right

Section 3: Step to side, Drag, Rock back recover, flick, Kick and point, Cross Rock recover point.
1, 2 Step left to left side, Drag right beside left
3,4 Rock back right, Recover weight on to left Flicking right foot back
5&6 Kick right foot forward, Place right next to left, Point left to left side
7&8 Cross Rock left over Right, Recovery weight on to right, Point left to left side

Section 4: Behind, side, point hips to the right, Handbag left, Sailor half turn, lock step fwd
1&2 Step left behind right, Step right to right side, point left to left side and roll hips to right
3,4 Roll hips to left, Take weight on to left foot and point right to right side
5&6 Cross Right behind Left, Make a ¼ turn right closing left next to right, Make a ¼ turn right stepping forward right (6:00)
7&8Step left forward, Step right locking behind left, Step left forward.

End of dance
Last Update - 9 July 2019
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