CopperKnob Stepsheets

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( 22 Stimmen)
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Easy Improver
Adrian Churm (UK) - July 2019
Senorita - DJ Bobo : (Album: Kaleidoluna - iTunes)
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Sec1: Walks forward, samba lock step, rock forward, recover, coaster cross.
1 – 2Step forward right, left
3&4Step right forward, cross ball of left foot behind right, small step forward on right.
5 – 6Rock left forward, recover back onto right.
7&8Step left foot back, close right next to left, step left foot forward & across right. [12 o’clock]

Sec2: Diagonal rock forward, recover, back, side, cross, hip sway left, recover, sailor step ¼ turn left.
1 – 2Making 1/8th turn right rock forward to right diagonal, recover back onto left.
3&4Step right back, making 1/8th turn left step left to the side, step right across left.
5 – 6Rock left out to the side (hips sway left), recover onto right (hips centre).
7&8Cross left behind right, ¼ turn left stepping right to the side (small step), step left forward. [9 o’clock]
TAG: 4 count Tag and Restart here, walls 2 and 5

Sec3: Cross rock, ¾ chasse turn right, heel grind ¼ turn left, coaster step.
1 – 2Rock right forward (slightly across left), recover back onto left.
3&4¾ turn chasse around to the right stepping right, left right.
5 – 6Step left heel forward, ¼ left stepping right back.
7&8Step left back, close right next to left, step left forward [3 o’clock].

Sec4: ½ turn left, samba step (botafogo), jazz box with touch finish.
1 – 2Step right forward make a ½ turn left (weight ends on forward on left).
3&4Step right forward (& slightly across left), rock left out to the side, recover onto right
5 – 8Step left across right, step right back, step left to the side, touch right next to left. [9 o’clock]
TAG: 2 count Tag here, end of wall 8
Tag after section 2 on walls 2 and 5 then restart dance from beginning
V step
1 – 2Step Right forward to Right diagonal (45 deg), Step Left forward to Left diagonal (45 deg).
3 – 4Step Right back to centre, Step Left beside Right. Restart dance.

Tag end of wall 8
Hip bumps right and claps x2
1&2&bump hip to right then centre x2 as you clap your hands above head x2

Optional ending to finish facing 12 o’clock
End of wall 10 replace count 8 in section 4 (the touch step) with a step forward right then –
1 – 2make a ½ turn left, step right forward (big finish with arms out)

Pony Chen July 11, 2019

dancer33 September 1, 2019
I love this dance Adrian you’ve captured the samba feel in every step just love it ..... x

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