Count in: 60 seconds
Section 1: R Rock recover, R cross shuffle, L Rock recover, L cross shuffle
1-2-3&4Rock R to R side, recover onto L, step R cross L, step L to L side, cross R across L
5-6-7&8Rock L to L side, recover onto R, step L across R, step R to R side, cross L across R (12:00)
Section 2: Side together, ¼ shuffle, rock fwd recover, coaster step
1-2-3&4Step R to R side, step L beside R, step R to R side making ¼ to 03:00, step L beside R, step R fwd
5-6-7&8Rock fwd on L, recover onto R, step back on L, step R beside L, step fwd on L (03:00)
Section 3: Rock fwd recover, chasse R with ¼ turn, weave
1-2-3&4Rock fwd on R, recover onto L, step R to R side making ¼ turn to 06:00, step L beside R, step R to R side
5-6-7-8Step L across R, step R to R side, step L behind R, step R to R side (06:00)
Section 4: Cross Rock recover, L chasse, Jazz Box
1-2-3&4Crossing the R, rock fwd on the L, recover onto R, step L to L side, step R beside L, step L to L side (firmly taking weight as this is the restart point on wall 6)
5-6-7-8Cross R over L, step back on L, step R to R side, step fwd on L
Restart after the 28th count (omitting the jazz box) You will be facing 12:00
Section 1: R Rock recover, R cross shuffle, L Rock recover, L cross shuffle
1-2-3&4Rock R to R side, recover onto L, step R cross L, step L to L side, cross R across L
5-6-7&8Rock L to L side, recover onto R, step L across R, step R to R side, cross L across R (12:00)
Section 2: Side together, ¼ shuffle, rock fwd recover, coaster step
1-2-3&4Step R to R side, step L beside R, step R to R side making ¼ to 03:00, step L beside R, step R fwd
5-6-7&8Rock fwd on L, recover onto R, step back on L, step R beside L, step fwd on L (03:00)
Section 3: Rock fwd recover, chasse R with ¼ turn, weave
1-2-3&4Rock fwd on R, recover onto L, step R to R side making ¼ turn to 06:00, step L beside R, step R to R side
5-6-7-8Step L across R, step R to R side, step L behind R, step R to R side (06:00)
Section 4: Cross Rock recover, L chasse, Jazz Box
1-2-3&4Crossing the R, rock fwd on the L, recover onto R, step L to L side, step R beside L, step L to L side (firmly taking weight as this is the restart point on wall 6)
5-6-7-8Cross R over L, step back on L, step R to R side, step fwd on L
Restart after the 28th count (omitting the jazz box) You will be facing 12:00