CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Love Me Some You

( 2 Stimmen)
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High Beginner
Jo Kinser (UK) & John Kinser (UK) - May 2019
Love Me Some You - Matt Lang
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(Music available on iTunes – 2.57 min - 98 BPM)

Intro: 16 Counts, Start on the Lyrics

[1-8] R Side Rock, L Side Rock, Walk Forward RLRL with Arm Movement
1,2RF rock right, Recover on LF
&3,4RF step next to LF, LF rock left, Recover on RF
&5,6,7,8LF step next to RF &), Walk forward RLRL
Counts 5-8 Bring your Right hand to your Left shoulder and move your hand down your arm

[9-16] R Side Rock, L Side Rock, Heel Switches RL, Rock Forward with Upper Body Roll
1,2RF rock right, Recover on LF
&3,4RF step next to LF, LF rock left, Recover on RF
&5&6&LF step next to RF &),Tap R heel fwd, RF step next to LF, Tap L heel fwd, LF step next to RF
7,8RF Rock fwd with small upper body roll, Recover on LF

[17-24] R Shuffle Back, Walk Back LRLR with Hands, L Coaster Step
1&2RF step back, LF step next to RF, RF step back
3,4,5,6Walk back LRLR as you walk back bring Arms up and then down
7&8LF step back, RF step next to LF, LF step forward

[25-32] R Shuffle, ½ L Shuffle, ¼ R Shuffle, ½ L Shuffle
1&2RF step slightly fwd, LF step next to RF, RF step slightly fwd
3&4½ turn L and LF step slightly fwd, RF step next to LF, LF step slightly fwd (6:00)
*Restart 2 Wall 5 (6:00)
5&6¼ turn R and RF step slightly fwd, LF step next to RF, RF step slightly fwd (9:00)
7&8½ turn L and LF step slightly fwd, RF step next to LF, LF step slightly fwd (3:00)

[33-40] R Jazz Box, Step ½ Turn L X2
1,2RF cross over LF, LF step back
3,4RF step right, LF step fwd
5,6RF step forward, 1/2 turn left (9:00)
7,8RF step forward, 1/2 turn left (3:00)
*Restart 1 Wall 3 (9:00)

[41-48] R Jazz Box, Heel Switches RLRL
1,2RF cross over LF, LF step back
3,4RF step right, LF step fwd
*Restart 3 Wall 6 (9:00) “Instrumental”
5&6&Tap R heel fwd, RF step next to LF, Tap L heel fwd, LF step next to RF
7&8&Tap R heel fwd, RF step next to LF, Tap L heel fwd, LF step next to RF

On Wall 3 dance up to Count 40, then Restart (9:00)
On Wall 5 dance up to Count 28, then Restart (6:00)
On Wall 6 dance up to Count 44, then Restart (9:00)

Ending: On Wall 7 (9:00), dance up to Count 16 then Step RF ¼ turn right (12:00)
Have fun!

Contact: Jo Kinser -

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