CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Beat 'Em Up

( 2 Stimmen)
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Jane Nilsson (SWE) - April 2019
Beat 'Em Up - Frida Green : (Single - iTunes)
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Intro: 4 counts intro, aprox 4 second. Starts before vocal

S1. Cross rock, step, cross rock, step, long step forward, ½ turn left, triple full turn left
1-2&Cross rock right over left, recover, step right beside left
3-4&Cross rock left over right, recover, step left beside right
5-6Long step forward with right foot, ½ turn left (weight on left foot)
&7-8½ turn left stepping back on right, ½ turn left stepping forward on left, step right forward
Tag & restart on wall 2: 1-4 Sway right, left, right left & restart

S2. Rock step, ball, rock step, weave left, touch
1-2Rock forward on left, recover onto right,
&3-4Ball step left beside right, rock forward on right, recover onto left
5&6&Cross right behind left, step left to left, cross right over left, step left to left
7&8Cross right behind left, step left to left, touch left beside right
Tag & restart on wall 6: Dance up till here (16 counts) and add tag: 1-4 Sway right, left, right, left & restart

S3. ¼ turn right Dorothystep right, left, triple full turn, shuffle diagonally forward to the left
1-2&¼ turn right stepping diagonally to right, lock left behind right, step right beside left
3-4&Step left diagonally left, lock right behind left, step left beside right
5&6½ turn left stepping back on right, ½ turn left stepping forward on left, step right forward
7&8Step left diagonally forward, step right beside left, step left diagonally forward

S4. ¼ turn left chassé, ½ turn right chassé, 1/8 paddle turn left x 2
1&2¼ turn left stepping right to right, step left beside right, step right to right
3&4½ turn right stepping left to left, step right beside left, step left to left
5-8Step forward on right, paddle 1/8 left x 2
Tag on wall 3 and wall 5: 1-4 Sway right, left, right, left

In this dance there is 1 easy tag (happens 4 times) and 2 restarts. The tag happens on the second wall after 8 counts (and then restart) and at the end off wall 3 and wall 5, and after 16 counts on wall 6 (and then restart).
TAG: 4 count Tag: Sway your hip right, left, right, left and Restart.

Ending: On wall 7 (facing 9 o’clock) dance the first 4 steps then cross right over left, unwind ¾ to left Taaadaaa

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