Info: start on vocals
Left Twinkle step, R step cross over, L back ¼ turn right, R fwd ¼ turn right,
1LF step forward
2RF step next to LF
3LF step on the spot
4RF cross over LF
5LF ¼ clockwise, step behind [3.00]
6RF ¼ clockwise, step forward [6.00]
Left Twinkle step, R step cross over, L back ¼ turn right, R fwd ¼ turn right,
1LF step forward
2RF step next to LF
3LF step on the spot
4RF cross over LF
5LF ¼ clockwise, step behind [9.00]
6RF ¼ clockwise, step forward [12.00]
R Vine, r large step, hold,
1LF step cross over RF
2RF step aside
3LF step cross rear RV
4RF big step aside
5LF drag next to RF
L Vine ¼ turn, jazzbox,
1LF step aside
2RF step cross rear LF
3LF ¼ turn left [9.00]
4RF cross over LF
5LF step behind
6RF step next to LF
Start again...... Lots of dancing fun
Left Twinkle step, R step cross over, L back ¼ turn right, R fwd ¼ turn right,
1LF step forward
2RF step next to LF
3LF step on the spot
4RF cross over LF
5LF ¼ clockwise, step behind [3.00]
6RF ¼ clockwise, step forward [6.00]
Left Twinkle step, R step cross over, L back ¼ turn right, R fwd ¼ turn right,
1LF step forward
2RF step next to LF
3LF step on the spot
4RF cross over LF
5LF ¼ clockwise, step behind [9.00]
6RF ¼ clockwise, step forward [12.00]
R Vine, r large step, hold,
1LF step cross over RF
2RF step aside
3LF step cross rear RV
4RF big step aside
5LF drag next to RF
L Vine ¼ turn, jazzbox,
1LF step aside
2RF step cross rear LF
3LF ¼ turn left [9.00]
4RF cross over LF
5LF step behind
6RF step next to LF
Start again...... Lots of dancing fun