CopperKnob Stepsheets

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John Huffman (USA) - April 2019
The Feels - Maren Morris : (Album: Girl)
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Intro: Dance starts after 16 counts (just before lyrics), Weight on L

Big Step R, Drag, Ball-Rock, Recover, Behind-1/4-Step, Step-Lock-Step
1-21) Big step R 2) Drag L to R
&3-4(&) Ballstep L to R 3) Rock R to side 4) Recover to L
5&65) Step R behind L &) Turn 1/4 L step l fwd 6) Step R fwd
7&87) Step L fwd &) Lock R behind L 8) Step L fwd (9:00)
Rock w body roll, Recover-Ball-Step, Pivot 1/2, 1/2, Back, Coaster Step
1-21) Rock R fwd, w head first body roll 2) Recover to L
&3-4(&) Ballstep R back 3) Step L fwd 4) Pivot 1/2 R (wt to R) (3:00)
5-65) Turn 1/2 R step L back 6) Step R back (9:00)
7&87) Step L back &) Step R to L 8) Step L fwd (9:00)
***Restart here during wall 3***

Wizard Step x 2, Step, Pivot 1/2, Shuffle 1/2
1-2&1) Step R slight diag fwd 2) Lock L behind R &) Ballstep R fwd
3-4&3) Step L slight diag fwd 4) Lock R behind L &) Ballstep L fwd
5-65) Step R fwd 6) Pivot 1/2 L (wt to L) (3:00)
7&87) Turn 1/4 L step R to side &) Step L to R 8) Turn 1/4 L step R back (9:00)
Back-Lock-Back, Coaster Step, Kick-Ball-Cross, Scissor Step
1&21) Sweep L around to step behind R &) Lock R across L 2) Step L back
3&43) Step R back &) Step L to R 4) Step R fwd
5&65) Kick L fwd &) Ballstep L to R 6) Step R across L
7&87) Step L to side &) Step R to L 8) Step L across R (9:00)

***Tag, Restart, Tag***

Tag 1 At the end of Wall 1 dance the following 4 ct Tag
Stomp, Snap, Heel, Snap-Ballstep
1-21) Stomp R to side 2) Snap Rt fingers
3-4&3) Tap R heel in place 4) Snap Rt fingers &) Ballstep L to R

Restart: After 16 cts of wall 3 you will restart the dance from the beginning (Wall 3 starts facing 6:00 and you will restart facing 3:00)

Tag 2 At the end of wall 7 dance the following 2 ct tag (wall 7 ends facing 3:00)
Siderock, Recover 1/4, Turn 1/4 to start dance

1-21) Rock R to side 2) Turning 1/4 L recover to L
***Note*** Turn another 1/4 L during step 1 to start dance facing 9:00

Ending Dance naturally ends facing 3:00, to end facing the front wall turn 1/4 L (to face front) and take a big step back instead of to the side

Repeat Have fun


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