High Beginner
Intro: 16 Counts
*Restart– Wall 5, after 16 Counts (Jazz BoX)
**Restart – Wall 13, after 24 Counts (Out Out In In)
[1-8] R Rockin Chair / R Shuffle fwrd / L Step fwrd / Pivot 1/2 Turn
1&2&3&4R fwd step – recover weight on L – R back step – recover weight on L.
5&6R Shuffle forward.
7&8L Step forward turn ½ to the right (facing 6 o’clock).
[9-16] L Rock fwrd / Turn L ¼ , Chassé L / Jazz Box
1&2L fwd step – recover weight on R
3&4L ¼ turn to the left (face 9.00 o’clock) and Chassé (L side, R next to the L, L side).
5&6R cross over L, L step back,
7&8R Step side, L step L next to R (weight on L)
* Restart 1: Here after Wall 5, after 16 counts (start facing 6 o’clock, ends on 9 o’clock
[17-24] R L Walk fwrd / R Heel-Hook-Heel / R L Step back /R L Out Out / R L In In.
1&2R Step forward / L Step forward
3&4R Heel / R Hook / R Heel
5&6R step back / L step back
&7R Out / L Out.
&8R In /L In
**Restart 2: Here after Wall 13, after 24 counts (out out in in) start facing 3 o’clock, ends on 6 o’clock.
[25-32] L Side, R Behind, L Side, R Touch / R Kickball step / R Heel Swivel.
1&2&3&4L step side, R step behind L, L step side, R Touch.
5&6R kick forward– R next to L, L step forward.
7&8both heels to the right and back
* Restart 1 - Dance 16 Counts of Wall 5 (after Jazz Box) facing 6 o’clock Wall.
** Restart 2 – Dance 24 Counts of Wall 13. (Out Out In In) facing 3 o’clock Wall.
*Restart– Wall 5, after 16 Counts (Jazz BoX)
**Restart – Wall 13, after 24 Counts (Out Out In In)
[1-8] R Rockin Chair / R Shuffle fwrd / L Step fwrd / Pivot 1/2 Turn
1&2&3&4R fwd step – recover weight on L – R back step – recover weight on L.
5&6R Shuffle forward.
7&8L Step forward turn ½ to the right (facing 6 o’clock).
[9-16] L Rock fwrd / Turn L ¼ , Chassé L / Jazz Box
1&2L fwd step – recover weight on R
3&4L ¼ turn to the left (face 9.00 o’clock) and Chassé (L side, R next to the L, L side).
5&6R cross over L, L step back,
7&8R Step side, L step L next to R (weight on L)
* Restart 1: Here after Wall 5, after 16 counts (start facing 6 o’clock, ends on 9 o’clock
[17-24] R L Walk fwrd / R Heel-Hook-Heel / R L Step back /R L Out Out / R L In In.
1&2R Step forward / L Step forward
3&4R Heel / R Hook / R Heel
5&6R step back / L step back
&7R Out / L Out.
&8R In /L In
**Restart 2: Here after Wall 13, after 24 counts (out out in in) start facing 3 o’clock, ends on 6 o’clock.
[25-32] L Side, R Behind, L Side, R Touch / R Kickball step / R Heel Swivel.
1&2&3&4L step side, R step behind L, L step side, R Touch.
5&6R kick forward– R next to L, L step forward.
7&8both heels to the right and back
* Restart 1 - Dance 16 Counts of Wall 5 (after Jazz Box) facing 6 o’clock Wall.
** Restart 2 – Dance 24 Counts of Wall 13. (Out Out In In) facing 3 o’clock Wall.