#32 count Intro. 2 Tags NO Restart
Alt.track - Tulsa Time by Don Williams (114 b.p.m) No Tags
Music available on iTunes
S1: R step, brush, forward shuffle, rock recover, back coaster step
1 - 2Step forward on right, brush heel of left foot past right (no weight)
3 & 4Step forward left, step right beside left, step forward on left
5 - 6Rock forward on right, recover weight back onto left
7 & 8Back on right, back on left, step forward on right
S2: L step , brush, forward shuffle, rock recover, back coaster step
1 - 2Step forward left, brush right foot past left (no weight)
3 & 4Step forward right, step left beside right, step forward on right
5 – 6Rock forward on left, recover weight back onto right
7 & 8Back on left, back on right, forward on left.
S3: R grapevine, touch, L side and heel tap, R side and heel tap (with finger snaps optional)
1 - 2Step right to right side, cross left behind right
3 – 4Step right to right side, touch left toe to right instep ( no weight)
5 – 6Step left to left side (angling body to right diagonal) knee dip and tap right heel to left instep
7 – 8Step right to right side (angling body to left diagonal) knee dip and tap left heel to right instep
S4: L grapevine, touch, R side and heel tap, L side and heel tap (with finger snaps optional)
1 - 2Step left to left side, cross right behind left
3 – 4Step left side, touch right toe to right instep (no weight)
5 – 6Step right to right side (angling body to left diagonal) knee dip and tap left heel to right instep
7 – 8Step left to left side (angling body to right diagonal) knee dip and tap right heel to left instep
Tag: here on wall 2 and 4 R Rocking chair, walk R, walk L
1 - 6Rock forward on right, recover weight on left, rock back on right, recover weight on left, walk forward right,left
S5: R rock recover, shuffle back, left back rock recover, forward left shuffle
1 – 2Rock forward on right, recover back onto left
3 & 4Step back on right, back on left next to right, back on right
5 – 6Rock back on left, recover forward on right
7 & 8Step forward on left, step right next to left, step forward on left
S6: R cross, point left, L cross, point right, jazz box, L forward
1 - 2Cross right across left, point left to left side
3 – 4Cross left across right, point right to right side
5 - 6Sweep right across left, step back on left
7 – 8Step right to side, step left forward
S7: R Heel Grind ¼ Right x 2
1 - 2Rock forward on right heel arcing toes out to right side and making ¼ turn right, step back onto left
3 – 4Step back on right, step left next to right.
5678Repeat steps 1 – 4
S8: R Side Chasse, L. Back Rock, L. grapevine, R. Touch.
1 & 2Step right to right side, step left beside right, step right to right side
3 – 4Rock back on left, recover onto right
5 – 6Step left to left side, step right behind left
7 – 8Step left to left side, touch right next to left (no weight)
Alt.track - Tulsa Time by Don Williams (114 b.p.m) No Tags
Music available on iTunes
S1: R step, brush, forward shuffle, rock recover, back coaster step
1 - 2Step forward on right, brush heel of left foot past right (no weight)
3 & 4Step forward left, step right beside left, step forward on left
5 - 6Rock forward on right, recover weight back onto left
7 & 8Back on right, back on left, step forward on right
S2: L step , brush, forward shuffle, rock recover, back coaster step
1 - 2Step forward left, brush right foot past left (no weight)
3 & 4Step forward right, step left beside right, step forward on right
5 – 6Rock forward on left, recover weight back onto right
7 & 8Back on left, back on right, forward on left.
S3: R grapevine, touch, L side and heel tap, R side and heel tap (with finger snaps optional)
1 - 2Step right to right side, cross left behind right
3 – 4Step right to right side, touch left toe to right instep ( no weight)
5 – 6Step left to left side (angling body to right diagonal) knee dip and tap right heel to left instep
7 – 8Step right to right side (angling body to left diagonal) knee dip and tap left heel to right instep
S4: L grapevine, touch, R side and heel tap, L side and heel tap (with finger snaps optional)
1 - 2Step left to left side, cross right behind left
3 – 4Step left side, touch right toe to right instep (no weight)
5 – 6Step right to right side (angling body to left diagonal) knee dip and tap left heel to right instep
7 – 8Step left to left side (angling body to right diagonal) knee dip and tap right heel to left instep
Tag: here on wall 2 and 4 R Rocking chair, walk R, walk L
1 - 6Rock forward on right, recover weight on left, rock back on right, recover weight on left, walk forward right,left
S5: R rock recover, shuffle back, left back rock recover, forward left shuffle
1 – 2Rock forward on right, recover back onto left
3 & 4Step back on right, back on left next to right, back on right
5 – 6Rock back on left, recover forward on right
7 & 8Step forward on left, step right next to left, step forward on left
S6: R cross, point left, L cross, point right, jazz box, L forward
1 - 2Cross right across left, point left to left side
3 – 4Cross left across right, point right to right side
5 - 6Sweep right across left, step back on left
7 – 8Step right to side, step left forward
S7: R Heel Grind ¼ Right x 2
1 - 2Rock forward on right heel arcing toes out to right side and making ¼ turn right, step back onto left
3 – 4Step back on right, step left next to right.
5678Repeat steps 1 – 4
S8: R Side Chasse, L. Back Rock, L. grapevine, R. Touch.
1 & 2Step right to right side, step left beside right, step right to right side
3 – 4Rock back on left, recover onto right
5 – 6Step left to left side, step right behind left
7 – 8Step left to left side, touch right next to left (no weight)