There is one Restart with a step change on wall 3 facing 6.00.
Dance the first 14 counts then turn ¼ right stepping right, left and Restart facing 9.00.
Sec 1: Walk right, left, samba right, samba left, mambo step.
1-2Walk forward right, forward left.
3&4Rock right to right, recover to left, cross right over left.
5&6Rock left to left, recover to right, cross left over right.
7&8Rock forward on right, recover to left, step right together. (12.00)
Sec 2: Side together, chasse left, side together, chasse right ¼ turn.
1-2Step left to left, right together.
3&4Step left to left, right together, left to left.
5-6Step right to right, left together.
7&8step right to right, left together, turn ¼ right stepping forward right. (3.00)
Sec 3: Walk, walk, shuffle, walk, walk, shuffle. To complete a full circle.
1-2Step left forward into 4.30, step right forward into 7.30.
3&4Step left forward into 9.00, right together, left forward.
5-6Step right forward into 10.30, step left forward into 1.30
7&8Step right forward into 3.00, left together, right forward (3.00)
Sec 4: Rock recover, shuffle back, coaster step, step turn step.
1-2Rock forward on left, recover to right.
3&4Step back on left, right together, back on left.
5&6Step back on right, left together, forward right.
7&8Step forward left, pivot ½ turn right, step forward left.
Dance the first 14 counts then turn ¼ right stepping right, left and Restart facing 9.00.
Sec 1: Walk right, left, samba right, samba left, mambo step.
1-2Walk forward right, forward left.
3&4Rock right to right, recover to left, cross right over left.
5&6Rock left to left, recover to right, cross left over right.
7&8Rock forward on right, recover to left, step right together. (12.00)
Sec 2: Side together, chasse left, side together, chasse right ¼ turn.
1-2Step left to left, right together.
3&4Step left to left, right together, left to left.
5-6Step right to right, left together.
7&8step right to right, left together, turn ¼ right stepping forward right. (3.00)
Sec 3: Walk, walk, shuffle, walk, walk, shuffle. To complete a full circle.
1-2Step left forward into 4.30, step right forward into 7.30.
3&4Step left forward into 9.00, right together, left forward.
5-6Step right forward into 10.30, step left forward into 1.30
7&8Step right forward into 3.00, left together, right forward (3.00)
Sec 4: Rock recover, shuffle back, coaster step, step turn step.
1-2Rock forward on left, recover to right.
3&4Step back on left, right together, back on left.
5&6Step back on right, left together, forward right.
7&8Step forward left, pivot ½ turn right, step forward left.