CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Hit A Home Run

( 5 Stimmen)
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Gary Samms (UK), Lorna Dennis (UK) & Cathy Hodgson (UK) - March 2019
The Last Night On Earth - Bryan Adams : (Album: Shine A Light)
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Intro: 16 counts from start

Section 1: Syncopated Rock Forward x2, Shuffle Back, Touch Unwind
1-2&Rock forward onto right, recover weight left, close right next to left.
3-4Rock forward onto left, recover weight right.
5&6Step back on left, close right, step back on left.
7-8Touch right toe back, unwind ½ right weight ending on right. (6.00)

Section 2: Pivot ¼, Cross Shuffle, Reverse Turn
1-2Step forward onto left, make ¼ right stepping onto right. (9.00)
3&4Cross left over right, close right, cross left over right.
Restart here Wall 3 – SEE NOTE BELOW
5-6Make ¼ left stepping back on right, make ½ left stepping forward onto left. (12.00)
7-8Make ¼ left rocking right to right side, recover weight left. (9:00)

Section 3: Cross Point x2, Jazzbox ½ Cross.
1-2Cross right over left, point left to left side.
3-4Cross left over right, point right to right side.
5-8Cross right over left, make ¼ right stepping back onto left, make ¼ right stepping right to right side, cross left over right (3:00)

Section 4: Side Rock, Behind Side Cross, Side Clap, Ball Side Touch
1-2Rock right to right side, recover weight left.
3&4Cross right behind left, step left to left side, cross right over left.
5-6Step left to left side, clap.
&7-8Step on ball of right next to left, step left to left side, touch right beside left.

Section 5: ¼ , 1/2, Coaster, Reverse ½, Shuffle ½.
1-2Make ¼ right stepping forward right, make ½ right stepping back on left. (12.00)
3&4Step right back, close left to right, step forward right.
5-6Step forward left, make ½ left stepping back on right. (6.00)
7&8Make ½ left shuffling left, right, left. (12.00)

Section 6: Syncopated Rock, Pivot ¼, Cross ¼, Shuffle ½
1-2&Rock forward onto right, recover weight left, close right next to left.
3-4Step forward left, pivot ¼ right stepping onto right. (3.00)
5-6Cross left over right, make ¼ left stepping back onto right. (12.00)
7&8Shuffle left, right, left making ½ over left shoulder. (6.00)
Restart here on Walls 1 & 4

Section 7: Step Touch, & Heel Ball Step, Touch, & Heel Ball, Rock Replace
1-2Step forward onto right, touch left behind right.
&3&Step back on ball of left, dig right heel forward, step on ball of right.
4Step forward onto left.
5&6&Touch right behind left, step back on ball of right, dig left heel forward, step on ball of left.
7-8Rock forward onto right, recover weight left.

Section 8: Lock Back, Touch Unwind, Pivot 1/2, Walk Walk.
1&2Step right back, lock left across right, step right back.
3-4Touch left back, unwind ½ over left stepping onto left. (12.00)
5-6Step forward onto right, pivot ½ left. (6.00)
7-8Walk forward right, left.

During Walls 1 & 4 dance upto and include count 48 then restart the dance from the beginning.

During Wall 3 dance upto and including count 12 (Cross Shuffle).
While doing the cross shuffle, make an extra ¼ right to end up facing the front for the Restart.

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