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Jingle All the Way

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Judy MacLean (CAN) - December 2018
Jingle Bells - Gwen Stefani
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(Special thanks to Michele Watson, Angie Boulter and my Thursday night dance friends for their help in tweaking this dance and their ongoing support in my attempts at Choreography.
And very special thanks to Eric Hart for letting us demo my choreographies in our dance classes.

Intro: 16 count

Section1: Charleston Right, Charleston Left x2g right around to touch forward
1Swing right around to touch forward
2Swing right back around and step right next to left
3Swing left around to touch to back
4Swing left around and step left next to right
5Swing right around to touch forward
6Swing right back around and step right next to left
7Swing left around to touch to back
8Swing left around and step left next to rightwing right back

Section 2: Toe Strut Right, Rock Recover Cross, Toe Strut Left, Rock Recover Cross
1&Step on right toe to right side, lower left heel
2&Step on left toe across right, lower left heel
3&4Rock right to right side, recover on left, cross right over left
5&Step on left toe to left side, lower right heel
6&Step on right toe across left, lower right heel
7&8Rock left to left side, recover on right, cross left over right

Section 3: Right Rocking Chair, Step Lock Step, Left Rocking Chair, Step Lock Step
1&Rock right forward, recover on left
2&Rock back on right, recover on left
3&4Step forward on right, cross left behind right, step right forward
5&Rock left forward, recover on right
6&Rock back on left, recover on right
7&8Step forward on left, cross right behind left, step left forward

Section 4: Rock Recover, Step ¼ Turn Right, Triple ½ Right, Sailor Right, Sailor Left
1&2Rock right forward, recover on left, step on right turning ¼ right
3&4Triple ½ right left, right, left
5&6Cross right behind left, step left to left side, step right to right side
7&8Cross left behind right, step right to right side, step left to left side

Tag 1: 1st time at 6 o’clock wall (6 counts)
Jazz Box, Sway Right, Sway Left
1-2Step right over left, step back on right
3-4Step right to right side, Step left next to right
5-6Step right out to right side and sway hips right, recover weight onto left and sway hips left

Tag 2: 2nd time at 12 o’clock wall (14 counts)
Section 1 Jazz Box, Sway Right, Sway Left
1-2Step right over left, step back on right
3-4Step right to right side, Step left next to right
5-6Step right out to right side and sway hips right, recover weight onto left and sway hips left

Section 2 Skate Right, Left x2, Jazz Box
1-2Skate right fwd diagonal right, Skate left fwd diagonal left
3-4Skate right fwd diagonal right, Skate left fwd diagonal left
5-6Step right over left, step back on right
7-8Step right to right side, Step left next to right

Tag 3: 2nd time at 9 o’clock wall
Short Pause, Snap fingers starting at 6 o’clock wall, 9 o’clock wall ending on 12 o’clock wall (3 counts)

Ending 2nd time at 6 o’clock wall in Section 3 on counts 7 & 8
Step on left, Pause 1 beat, turn 1/2 right to front

Last Update - 10 Nov. 2019
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