CopperKnob Stepsheets

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I'll Never Let You Down

( 4 Stimmen)
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Ana Roderick & Justin Desloges (CAN) - October 2018
Never Gonna Let You Down - Colbie Caillat
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#1 Restart (Restart Happens on the 3rd wall, after the first count of 8 - heel switches, restart)

Section 1 (1-8) Left rock - recover, coaster step, shuffle, heel switches
1,2Rock onto the left foot, recover onto the right foot
3&4Step left foot behind, bring right foot to meet left , step left foot forward
5&6Shuffle R-L-R
7&8&touch left heel out, step on left foot, touch right heel out, step on right foot

Section 2 (9-16) shuffle, heel switches, step-half turn, full turn
1&2Shuffle L-R-L
3&4&Touch right heel out, step on right foot, touch left heel out, step on left foot
5,6Step right foot forward, 1/2 turn over left shoulder (6:00)
7,8Step right foot forward beggining your turn, full turn over left shoulder

Section 3 (17-24) Walk, Walk, Kick-ball change x 2
1,2walk forward onto the right, walk forward onto the left.
3&4Kick your right foot in front, step onto the ball of your foot on your right, step onto your left
5,6walk forward onto the right, walk forward onto the left.
7&8Kick your right foot in front, step onto the ball of your foot on your right, step onto your left

Section 4 (25-32) Rock-Recover, 1/4 sailor step, Out and Out, Heel and Heel
1,2Rock onto right foot, recover on left foot
3&4swing right foot behind left making a 1/4 turn (9:00), bring left foot together with right, step forward on right foot.
5&6&touch left foot out to side, step left foot beside right, touch right foot to side, step right foot beside left.
7&8&Touch left heel forward, step left beside right, touch right heel forward, step right beside left

Section 5 (33-40) 1/4 turning walks, 1/4 sailor step, cross-point, cross-point
1,2walk forward onto the right, walk forward onto the left making a 1/4 turn (6:00)
3&4swing left foot behind right making a 1/4 turn (3:00), bring right foot together with left, step forward on left foot.
5,6cross right foot in front of left, point left foot to side
7,8croos left foot in front of right, point right foot to side

Section 6 (41-48) back cross-point, back cross-point, jazz box
1,2cross right foot behind left foot, point left foot to side
3,4cross left foot behind right, point right to side
5,6cross right foot over left, step left foot back
7,8step right foot out to the right side, touch left foot beside right.

Last Update: 23 Feb 2025

Mp0131 June 14, 2020
Love this dance Justin and Ana

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