Recommended Alternative:- "Despacito’ (Samba Version) (102 bpm)... Luis Fonsi feat Daddy Yankee
Choreographers note:- Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of Choreographing ‘Line’ Dances, from 1968 and ‘30 Something’ to 2018 with ‘Samba Made Easy’. The dance uses ‘a’ steps – these are NOT the same as ‘&’ in both looks and timing.
If unsure, there are many videos available with which to learn the trademark ‘bounce’ as well as the timing of the Samba
Always remember - 'The beat may reach your feet - but the rhythm should electrify your soul'.
Dance starts: (clockwise)
December ’63: With the start of the vocals (‘Oh what’.. a night..’) on count 23 (13 seconds from start)
Despacito: At approx 19 seconds with the vocals proper.
2x Walk. 2x Samba Walk. 1/4 side. 1/4 Back-Diagonal Touch Back (6.00)
1 – 2Walk ‘in line’ forward: Left-Right
3–a4Step forward onto left. Step ball of right next to left, step left slightly forward.
5–a6Step forward onto right. Step ball of left next to right, step right slightly forward.
7–a8Turn ¼ right (3) & step left to left. Turn ¼ right (6) & step backward onto ball of right,
touch left diagonally back left.
3x Traveling Bota Fogo. 1/4 Side. 1/4 Back-Diagonal Touch Back (12.00)
9 – a10Step left diagonally forward right. Step ball of right next to left, replace weight to left.
11–a12Step right diagonally forward left. Step ball of left next to right, replace weight to right.
13–a14Step left diagonally forward right. Step ball of right next to left, replace weight to left.
15–a16Turn ¼ left (3) & step right to right. Turn ¼ left (12) & step backward onto ball of left,
touch right diagonally back right.
Kick Ball-Forward. 2x Samba Walk. 2x Walk. (12.00)
17–a18Kick right forward. Step ball of right next to left, step forward onto left.
19–a20Step forward onto right. Step ball of left next to right, step right slightly forward..
21–a22Step forward onto left. Step ball of right next to left, step left slightly forward.
23 – 24Walk ‘In line’ forward: Right-Left.
On The Spot Bota Fogo. Turning Bota Fogo. 1/2 Volta Circle (3.00)
25–a26Cross right over left. Step ball of left to left, step down onto right.
Then turn body in line with steps to face 9.00:
27–a28Step left diagonally right, turning left – Step ball of right to right. Turning left – Step down onto left (9.00).
29Step right diagonally forward left (7.30)
a30Lock step ball of left behind right, step right diagonally left (6.00)
a31Lock step ball of left behind right, step right diagonally left (4.30)
a32Lock step ball of left behind right, step right diagonally left (3.00)
December ’63: Wall 10 Count 32 facing 6.00. To finish facing the Home Wall (12.00)
ADD the following a).Step forward onto left. b).Pivot ½ right.
Despacito: Wall 6 Count 32 facing 6.00. To finish, use same as above.
Last Update - 6th Sept. 2018
Choreographers note:- Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of Choreographing ‘Line’ Dances, from 1968 and ‘30 Something’ to 2018 with ‘Samba Made Easy’. The dance uses ‘a’ steps – these are NOT the same as ‘&’ in both looks and timing.
If unsure, there are many videos available with which to learn the trademark ‘bounce’ as well as the timing of the Samba
Always remember - 'The beat may reach your feet - but the rhythm should electrify your soul'.
Dance starts: (clockwise)
December ’63: With the start of the vocals (‘Oh what’.. a night..’) on count 23 (13 seconds from start)
Despacito: At approx 19 seconds with the vocals proper.
2x Walk. 2x Samba Walk. 1/4 side. 1/4 Back-Diagonal Touch Back (6.00)
1 – 2Walk ‘in line’ forward: Left-Right
3–a4Step forward onto left. Step ball of right next to left, step left slightly forward.
5–a6Step forward onto right. Step ball of left next to right, step right slightly forward.
7–a8Turn ¼ right (3) & step left to left. Turn ¼ right (6) & step backward onto ball of right,
touch left diagonally back left.
3x Traveling Bota Fogo. 1/4 Side. 1/4 Back-Diagonal Touch Back (12.00)
9 – a10Step left diagonally forward right. Step ball of right next to left, replace weight to left.
11–a12Step right diagonally forward left. Step ball of left next to right, replace weight to right.
13–a14Step left diagonally forward right. Step ball of right next to left, replace weight to left.
15–a16Turn ¼ left (3) & step right to right. Turn ¼ left (12) & step backward onto ball of left,
touch right diagonally back right.
Kick Ball-Forward. 2x Samba Walk. 2x Walk. (12.00)
17–a18Kick right forward. Step ball of right next to left, step forward onto left.
19–a20Step forward onto right. Step ball of left next to right, step right slightly forward..
21–a22Step forward onto left. Step ball of right next to left, step left slightly forward.
23 – 24Walk ‘In line’ forward: Right-Left.
On The Spot Bota Fogo. Turning Bota Fogo. 1/2 Volta Circle (3.00)
25–a26Cross right over left. Step ball of left to left, step down onto right.
Then turn body in line with steps to face 9.00:
27–a28Step left diagonally right, turning left – Step ball of right to right. Turning left – Step down onto left (9.00).
29Step right diagonally forward left (7.30)
a30Lock step ball of left behind right, step right diagonally left (6.00)
a31Lock step ball of left behind right, step right diagonally left (4.30)
a32Lock step ball of left behind right, step right diagonally left (3.00)
December ’63: Wall 10 Count 32 facing 6.00. To finish facing the Home Wall (12.00)
ADD the following a).Step forward onto left. b).Pivot ½ right.
Despacito: Wall 6 Count 32 facing 6.00. To finish, use same as above.
Last Update - 6th Sept. 2018