CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Give & Take

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Phrased Intermediate
Gemma Ridyard (UK) - August 2018
Youngblood - 5 Seconds of Summer
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Phrasing; A Tag BBA* BB* Tag Tag BB Tag B
Part A Please note dance starts facing 1:30

A1: R Mambo back, 2 x walks back, L coaster step, 2 x walks forward
1&2Rock R forward, Replace weight to L, step R back
3 4Step L Back, Step R back
5&6Step L back, close R to L, step L forward
7 8Step R forward, Step L forward

A2: ½ turn L big slide R, drag L to meet R 5/8 turn L
1234Turning an 1/8 turn L take a larger step R with R (12.00) as you take arms out and over head
5678Drag L to meet R as you unwind 5/8 turn L (keep weight on R) draw arms down the midline of the body. (7.30)

A3: LR Mambo back, 2 x walks back, R coaster step, 2 x walks forward
1&2Rock L forward, Replace weight to R, step L back
3 4Step R Back, Step L back
5&6Step R back, close L to R, step R forward
7 8Step L forward Bring R hand to side of face, Step R forward bring L hand to side of face

A4: L spiral full turn R, 1/8 turn L step R to R side
1 2 3 4Step L forward slow unwind full turn R keeping weight on L as you close you hands from pinky to thumb on the lyric mind.
5 6 7 8Turn 1/8 turn L step R a big step R side (6.00)

A5: Cross unwind 1/1/4 turn L, 2x walks with sweeps, L mambo back, R hitch ball back
&12Bring L in as you cross R over L unwinding a 1 ¼ turn L (keeping weight on R) (3.00)
3 4Step L forward sweeping R from back to front, Step R forward as you sweep L from back to front.
5&6Rock L forward, replace weight to R, step L back
7&8Hitch R knee up, step R next to L, step L back

A6: R toe back unwind ½ R, out out close cross, side touch hold, side touch hold
1 2Touch R toe back, unwind ½ turn R keeping weight on L (9.00)
&3&4Step R to side, step L to L side, step R in place, cross L over R
&56Step R to R, touch L to R, hold
&78Step L to L, touch R to L, Hold
A7: & Heel hold, & cross unwind ¾ turn L, hip tap, hip tap
&1 2Step R to R side, dig L heel to L corner, Hold and snap fingers
&3 4Step L in place, cross R over L, unwind ¾ turn L transfer weight to L (12.00)
5 6Step R to R, tap L toe to diagonal
7 8Step L to L, tap R tor to R diagonal

A8: 4x walks in place bending knees, R pivot ½ L, Step ½ turn L, step R forward
1234 4x walks in place (RLRL) bending knees
5 6Step R forward, pivot ½ turn L
7&8Step R forward, pivot ½ turn L, Step R forward (12.00)

*A leading into B replace count 7&8 with a Pivot ½ turn L *
Tag: Out out close cross, 2x back sweeps, L coaster step, pivot half turn L
&1&2Step L to L, step R to R, step L in, cross R over L
3 4Step L back sweeping R from front to back, Step R back sweeping L from front to back
5&6Step L back, close R to L, step L forward
7 8Step R forward, pivot ½ turn L (6.00)

Long weave L, Rock L to L side, ball side close
1&2&3&4Cross R over L, step L to L, cross R behind L, step L to L, Cross R over L, step L to L, cross R behind L
5 6Rock L to L side, replace weight to R
&7 8Close L to R, step R to R side, close L to R. (6.00)
*Tag leading into Tag please touch L to R*

Part B
B1: R Dorothy, L Dorothy, R pivot ½ L, full turn forward
1 2&Step R to R diagonal, cross L behind R, step R to R diagonal
3 4&Step L to L diagonal, cross R behind L, step L to L diagonal
5 6Step R forward, pivot ½ turn L
7 8Turn ½ turn L step R back, turn a ½ turn L step L forward (12.00) (Option 2x walks forward)

B2: 2 x samba steps forward, 2 X slow walks forward R,L
1&2Cross R over L, rock L to L side, replace weight to R
3&4Cross L over R, rock R to R side, replace weight to L
5 6Step R forward, hold (Bring both arms up to shoulder height elbows bent hands to ceiling)
7 8Step L forward, hold (Dropping hands down elbows bent hands point to floor)

B3: RF Forward, clap high clap low, Pivot ½ L Clap Hight, Clap Low, Paddle full turn L
1 2Step R foot forward clapping hands up, clap hands low
3 4pivot ½ turn L transferring weight to L clap hand high, clap hands low
5678touching R toe to R side, paddle a full turn L (6.00) (Optional claps can be forward rather than high & low)

B4: Cross ¼ ¼ touch, rolling vine L
1 2Cross R over L, turn a ¼ turn R step L back
3 4Turn a ¼ turn R step R to R, touch L to R
5678Turn a ¼ turn L step L forward, Turn a ½ L step R back, turn a ¼ turn L step L to L, touch R to L. (12.00)
(Note angling body to R diagonal ready to begin again at the end of the second B.)
*B leading into TAG please close R to L rather than touch*

Please don’t be put off by the small step changes once you know the song it’s easy to hear when they are coming. If you have any questions let me know

Happy Dancing!


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