#16 count intro from heavy beat, Tag after 4th wall @ 12:00
Sec. 1 (1-8) Back Rock, Recover, Chase Turn, ½, ½, Kick-ball-Cross making ¼ turn R (9:00)
1-2, 3&4Rock back on Ball of R, recover weight to L, step R fwrd, ½ turn L on the ball of R bringing L close to R, step R fwrd (6:00)
5,6, 7&8½ turn R stepping L back, continue ½ turn R stepping R fwrd, continue ¼ turn R on ball of the R low kick with L, bring L back to center, cross R over L (9:00)
Sec.2 (9-16) C Bump, Side Toe-Heel Strut, Cross Toe-Heel Strut, Hip Circles (9:00)
1&2Small hitch with L lifting L hip, lower weight on R into small hip bump R, replace weight to L settling into L hip
3-4,5-6Touch R toe to R side, drop heel and take weight, cross L toe over R, drop L heel taking weight
7&8&Stepping R to R side you’ll make 2 small hip circles ending with weight on L (you can style this part to what feels good to you – ex. Hip drops, circles, bumps, etc.-you’ll hear the spot in the music that it hits) (9:00)
Sec.3 (17-24) ¼, ¼, Back Rock, Recover ¼, Step Back, Touch, Step Back, Touch (12:00)
1,2,Step down on R making ¼ turn R, ¼ turn R stepping L to L side (3:00)
3&4Push off the ball of R behind L, recover weight to L, make a quick ¼ turn L stepping back on R
5-6,7-8Step L back, touch R next to L, step R back, touch L next to R – ATTITUDE (12:00)
Sec.4 (25-32) Modified Monteray w/ Switches, Ball-Side, Pause, Ball-Side, Pause
Keep this turn tight and you’ll get there
1, 2&3&4Step L fwrd, point R to R side, ½ R as you slide R under center taking weight (6:00), point L to L side, quick switch bringing L to center taking weight, point R to R side
&5-6, &7-8Ball of R to center, step L to L side, pause (styling body roll down from top to bottom – settling into hip on 6) REPEAT
Sec.5 (33-40) ½ Hip Circle, ½ Hip Circle, Ball-Touch, Knee Pop w/ Heel Raise (6:00)
1-2, 3-4Small step to R taking hips L to R (1-2), hips R to L (3-4) taking weight to L
&5Bring R to center, touch outside edge of L across R
6-7, &8snap fingers on 6-7, bend knees fwrd raising heels slightly, replace weight to R snapping fingers on 8 (6:00)
Sec.6 (41-48) ¼ Turn R w/ ½ Hip Circle, ½ Hip Circle, Ball-Touch, Knee Pop w/ Heel Raise (9:00)
1-2, 3-4On ball of R make ¼ turn R -small step to L taking hips R to L (1-2), hips L to R (3-4) taking weight to R
&5Bring L to center, touch outside edge of R across L
6-7, &8snap fingers on 6, pause on 7, bend knees fwrd raising heels slightly, replace weight to L snapping fingers on 8 (9:00)
TAG After wall 4 you will be facing 12:00 is the last 16 counts with a tweak –** Since you finish with ft across for the tag you’ll make ¼ turn L on the 1st 8, ¼ turn R on the 2nd 8 and you’re back to 12:00 to finish the dance all the way through
*1st 8 of Tag ¼ Turn L w/ ½ Hip Circle, ½ Hip Circle, Ball-Touch, Knee Pop w/ Heel Raise (9:00)
1-2, 3-4making ¼ turn L small step to R taking hips L to R (1-2), hips R to L (3-4) taking weight to L
&5Bring R to center, touch outside edge of L across R
6-7, &8snap fingers on 6, pause on 7, bend knees fwrd raising heels slightly, replace weight to R snapping fingers on 8 (9:00)
*2nd 8 of Tag ¼ Turn R w/ ½ Hip Circle, ½ Hip Circle, Ball-Touch, Knee Pop w/ Heel Raise (12:00)
1-2, 3-4On ball of R make ¼ turn R -small step to L taking hips R to L (1-2), hips L to R (3-4) taking weight to R
&5Bring L to center, touch outside edge of R across L
6-7, &8snap fingers on 6, pause on 7, bend knees fwrd raising heels slightly, replace weight to L snapping fingers on 8 (6:00)
Sec. 1 (1-8) Back Rock, Recover, Chase Turn, ½, ½, Kick-ball-Cross making ¼ turn R (9:00)
1-2, 3&4Rock back on Ball of R, recover weight to L, step R fwrd, ½ turn L on the ball of R bringing L close to R, step R fwrd (6:00)
5,6, 7&8½ turn R stepping L back, continue ½ turn R stepping R fwrd, continue ¼ turn R on ball of the R low kick with L, bring L back to center, cross R over L (9:00)
Sec.2 (9-16) C Bump, Side Toe-Heel Strut, Cross Toe-Heel Strut, Hip Circles (9:00)
1&2Small hitch with L lifting L hip, lower weight on R into small hip bump R, replace weight to L settling into L hip
3-4,5-6Touch R toe to R side, drop heel and take weight, cross L toe over R, drop L heel taking weight
7&8&Stepping R to R side you’ll make 2 small hip circles ending with weight on L (you can style this part to what feels good to you – ex. Hip drops, circles, bumps, etc.-you’ll hear the spot in the music that it hits) (9:00)
Sec.3 (17-24) ¼, ¼, Back Rock, Recover ¼, Step Back, Touch, Step Back, Touch (12:00)
1,2,Step down on R making ¼ turn R, ¼ turn R stepping L to L side (3:00)
3&4Push off the ball of R behind L, recover weight to L, make a quick ¼ turn L stepping back on R
5-6,7-8Step L back, touch R next to L, step R back, touch L next to R – ATTITUDE (12:00)
Sec.4 (25-32) Modified Monteray w/ Switches, Ball-Side, Pause, Ball-Side, Pause
Keep this turn tight and you’ll get there
1, 2&3&4Step L fwrd, point R to R side, ½ R as you slide R under center taking weight (6:00), point L to L side, quick switch bringing L to center taking weight, point R to R side
&5-6, &7-8Ball of R to center, step L to L side, pause (styling body roll down from top to bottom – settling into hip on 6) REPEAT
Sec.5 (33-40) ½ Hip Circle, ½ Hip Circle, Ball-Touch, Knee Pop w/ Heel Raise (6:00)
1-2, 3-4Small step to R taking hips L to R (1-2), hips R to L (3-4) taking weight to L
&5Bring R to center, touch outside edge of L across R
6-7, &8snap fingers on 6-7, bend knees fwrd raising heels slightly, replace weight to R snapping fingers on 8 (6:00)
Sec.6 (41-48) ¼ Turn R w/ ½ Hip Circle, ½ Hip Circle, Ball-Touch, Knee Pop w/ Heel Raise (9:00)
1-2, 3-4On ball of R make ¼ turn R -small step to L taking hips R to L (1-2), hips L to R (3-4) taking weight to R
&5Bring L to center, touch outside edge of R across L
6-7, &8snap fingers on 6, pause on 7, bend knees fwrd raising heels slightly, replace weight to L snapping fingers on 8 (9:00)
TAG After wall 4 you will be facing 12:00 is the last 16 counts with a tweak –** Since you finish with ft across for the tag you’ll make ¼ turn L on the 1st 8, ¼ turn R on the 2nd 8 and you’re back to 12:00 to finish the dance all the way through
*1st 8 of Tag ¼ Turn L w/ ½ Hip Circle, ½ Hip Circle, Ball-Touch, Knee Pop w/ Heel Raise (9:00)
1-2, 3-4making ¼ turn L small step to R taking hips L to R (1-2), hips R to L (3-4) taking weight to L
&5Bring R to center, touch outside edge of L across R
6-7, &8snap fingers on 6, pause on 7, bend knees fwrd raising heels slightly, replace weight to R snapping fingers on 8 (9:00)
*2nd 8 of Tag ¼ Turn R w/ ½ Hip Circle, ½ Hip Circle, Ball-Touch, Knee Pop w/ Heel Raise (12:00)
1-2, 3-4On ball of R make ¼ turn R -small step to L taking hips R to L (1-2), hips L to R (3-4) taking weight to R
&5Bring L to center, touch outside edge of R across L
6-7, &8snap fingers on 6, pause on 7, bend knees fwrd raising heels slightly, replace weight to L snapping fingers on 8 (6:00)