CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Denim Daydream

( 1 Stimmen)
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Laura Sway (UK) - May 2018
She Gets Me - The Washboard Union
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[1-8] side behind & cross side, L sailor step, Step behind, step ¼ turn L.
12&34-Step Right to Right side, step Left behind, quickly step Right to Right side, cross Left across Right, step Right to Right side.
5&6 78-Step Left behind Right, step Right to Right side, step left in place. Step Right behind Left, make ¼ Left stepping forward on the Left. (9.00)

[9-16] Rock Fwd R recover, & heel & Brush, syncopated Jazz box, x2 walks Fwd.
12&3&4-Rock forward on the Right, recover onto Left, quickly step onto the Right, dig your Left heel forward, quickly step onto Left, brush Right foot forward.
56&78-Cross Right over Left, step back on the Left, step Right to Tight side, walk forward Left, Right.

[17-24] Rock Fwd L, Recover, x3 shuffle ½ turns.
123&4-Rock forward on the Left, Recover on the Right, ½ turn Left stepping forward on the Left, step Right to Left, step Forward on the Left.
5&6 7&8Repeat the shuffle section for counts (5-8) (3.00)

[25-32] Rock Fwd R, Recover Left, ball step, step (travelling back) L coaster step, step pivot ¼ L.
12&34-Rock forward on the Right, recover on to Left, quickly step back onto Right(&) step back Right, Left.
5&678-Step back on Left, step Right to Left, step forward on the Left, step forward on Right, pivot ¼ turn Left making sure weight is on Left. (12.00)

[33-40] Cross side behind ¼ Step, Step pivot ½ R, Shuffle fwd L
123&4-Cross Right over Left, step Left to Left side, step Right behind L, step ¼ Left stepping onto Left, step forward on Right.
567&8-Step forward on Left, pivot ½ turn Right, forward on the Left, step Right to Left, step forward on the Left.

Last Update – 14th Jan. 2019

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