CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Just to Be with You

( 7 Stimmen)
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Intermediate Rolling Count
Siobhan Forrest (SCO) - March 2018
You Are the Reason (Duet Version) - Calum Scott & Leona Lewis
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#4 Count Intro. 1 Restart on wall 5 after 16 counts**

This dance was written for the LDF Day in Edinburgh on 18th March 2018

Step Sweeps, Rock Full Turn Sweep, Behind Side Cross Rock
1-3Step forward left as you sweep right (1), step forward right as you sweep left (2), Step forward left as you sweep right (3) 12:00
4&a5Rock forward on right recover and make ½ turn over right shoulder, continue and make further ½ turn over right shoulder stepping back on left as you sweep right leg front to back 12:00
6&78Cross right behind left, step left to left, cross rock right over left, recover onto left (angle your body to the left diagonal) 12:00

Turn hitch, run back R, L, rock recover half, rock back l, walk r, press left recover, back side cross
&1Make 3/8 turn right stepping forward on right foot, step forward left and hitch up right knee 4:30
2&3Run back right, left, rock back on right foot 4:30
4&5Recover onto left as you make ½ turn over left shoulder stepping back on right, rock back on left foot 10:30
6 7Walk forward right, press left foot forward 10:30
8&aRecover onto right as you square up to side wall, step left to left and cross right over left 9:00
** Restart here on wall 5, add ¼ turn stepping forward left to start the dance again

Diamond Fall Away, step side, rock recover step, cross behind sweep, behind side cross
12&3Step left to left, make 1/8 turn right stepping back on right, step back left, make 1/8 turn right stepping forward right 1:30
4&5Step left to left as you square up to side wall, cross right over left, step left to left 3:00
6&a7Rock right behind left, recover onto left, step right to right, cross left behind right as you sweep right foot front to back 3:00
8&aCross right behind left, step left to left, cross right over left 3:00

Curved ½ Turn walk around, cross rock, sway, sway, lunge, 1 & ¼ turn with hitch
1-3Make 1/8 turn stepping forward on left, making 1/8 turn stepping forward right, make 1/8 turn stepping forward left as you sweep right foot from back to front 9:00
4&56Cross rock right over left, recover onto left, step right to right as you sway right, sway left 9:00
7 8Rock out to the side on right foot (slowly lower weight over right knee) 9:00
&aRecover onto left as you make ¼ turn left as you hitch right knee, make ½ turn over left stepping back on right, make ½ turn over left stepping forward left 6:00

**Restart on wall 5 after 16 counts, dance up to and including count 8&a then make a ¼ turn stepping forward left to Restart the dance, facing 6 o’clock


Sandy AB March 20, 2018
Was fortunate to be taught this at the weekend . Beautiful rolling count dance which flowed smoothly to an uplifting track.

Av5678 April 2, 2018
Beautiful flowing dance to a fantastic track. Fits the music beautifully. Going well in class dancers really enjoying the dance

Brucie April 5, 2018
Luv this flowing dance and track, fits beautifully

savannah1957 April 11, 2018
LOVE this dance by Siobhan Forrest. The rolling count makes the dance flow well and track is memorable. Looks and feels fabulous on the dance floor.

savannah1957 April 11, 2018
LOVE this dance by Siobhan Forrest. The rolling count makes the dance flow well and track is memorable. Looks and feels fabulous on the dance floor.

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