CopperKnob Stepsheets

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No More Tears

( 1 Stimmen)
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Cathy Dacumos (USA) - March 2018
Intro: 64 counts (after the 32 counts of instrumental), begin with weight on right foot
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Section 1: Step forward, kick, right coaster step, forward rock, recover, shuffle half turn left
1-2Step forward on left foot, kick right foot (12)
3&4Step back on right foot, step left foot next to right, step right foot forward
5-6Rock forward onto left foot, recover back onto right foot
7&8Make a half turn left stepping left, right, left (6)

Section 2: Cross point x 2, jazz box with cross
1-2Step right foot forward in front of left foot, point left toe to left side (6)
3-4Step left foot forward in front of right foot, point right toe to right side
5-6Step right foot across in front of left foot, step back on left foot
7-8Step right foot to right side, cross left foot in front of right foot

Section 3: Side rock, recover, behind-side-cross, ¼ turning shuffle, rock back, recover
1-2Rock onto right foot to right side, recover onto left foot
3&4Cross right foot behind left foot, step left foot to left side, cross right foot in front of left foot
5&6Turn ¼ right stepping back on left foot, step right foot next to left, step back on left foot (9)
7-8Rock back onto right foot, recover forward onto left foot

Section 4: Forward, tap, back, kick, back rock, recover, shuffle forward
1-2Step forward on right foot, tap left toe slightly behind right foot (9)
3-4Step back on left foot, kick right foot forward
5-6Rock back onto right foot, recover forward onto left foot
7&8Step right foot forward, step left foot next to left foot, step right foot forward

Ending: The dance will end facing the 3 o’clock wall. If you want to put an ending on that will finish on the front wall, do the first 4 counts (step, kick, coaster step) then cross left foot over right and slowly unwind ¾ turn to the front, turning right.


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