CopperKnob Stepsheets

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A Million Ways

( 2 Stimmen)
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Phrased High Improver
Els de VOS (NL) - February 2018
A Million Ways - Miss Montreal
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Dance begins after count 16 - Sequence: A, B, Tag 1, A,B, tag 2, B,A ,ending A till count 8 **2 easy Tags: after the 2nd wall Tag 1, after the 4th wall Tag 2.

Part A: 32 counts
A1: Step R right, left behind ,step R ¼ turn right, scuff left, step L forward pivot ¼ right, step L across R, point R to right.
1-2-3-4Step R right, L behind R, turn ¼ right, step R fwd, scuff L
5-6-7-8step L fwd, ¼ turn R, step L across R, point Right to right side.(6)

A2: Rocking chair, paddle turn1/4 L 2x
1-2-3-4Step R fwd, recover L, step R back, recover L.
5-6Step R fwd, turn ¼ Left
7-8,Step R fwd, turn ¼ left (12)

A3: Step R diagonal right, touch, step L diagonal left, touch, rock step, shuffle half.
1-2-3-4Step R diagonal right, touch L next R, Step L diagonal left, touch R next L
5-6-7&8Step R fwd, recover L, step R ¼ right, step L next,step R ¼ right forward (6)

A4: Step L diagonal left, touch, step R diagonal right, touch, rockstep, step back, ¼ turn right, ¼ turn right.
1-2-3-4Step L diagonal left, touch R next L, Step R diagonal right, touch L next R
5-6-7&8Step L fwd, recover R, step L back, step R ¼ right, step L forward.(9)

Part B: 32 counts
B1: Step, step, lock, step, step, lock , step, step pivot ½, shuffle forward
&1-2&3-4Step R next L, Step L fwd, step R behind L, step L fwd, step R fwd, step L behind R.
&5-6Step R fwd, step L fwd, pivot ½ right
7&8Step L fwd, step R next L, step L fwd.(3)

B2: Step, lock, step, step, lock ,step, rockstep, coasterstep
&1-2-3-4Step R next L, step L fwd, step R behind L, step L fwd, step R fwd, step L behind R.
&5-6-7&8Step R fwd, step L fwd, recover R, step L back, step R next, step Lfwd.(9)

B3: Tik flick ¼ turn left, shuffle, step, hitch, coasterstep
1-2-3&4Touch R right, flick R ¼ turn right, step R fwd ,step L next, step R fwd
5-6-7&8Step L fwd, hitch R knee, step R back, Step L next, step R fwd.(12)

B4: Vaudeville 2x, rock step, shuffle 1/2 left.
1&2&3&4Step L across R, step L next, Touch L heel left, step L next, Step R across L, step L next, touch heel right
&5-6-7&8step R next, step L fwd, recover R,1/4 left step L left, step R next, ¼ left step L fwd. (6)

Tag 1
Walk, walk, shuffle, 2x full turn right
1-2-3&4walk R, walk L, step R fwd , step L next, step R fwd.
5-6-7&8walk L, walk R, step L fwd, step R next, step L fwd. ( make a full turn right in these Tag)

Tag 2
Walk, walk, shuffle, 2x full turn right, coasterstep R, coasterstep L
1-2-3&4 .walk R, walk L, step R fwd , step L next, step R fwd.
5-6-7&8walk L, walk R, step L fwd, step R next, step L fwd. ( make a full turn right in these Tag)
1-2-3&4Step R fwd, recover L, step R back, step L next, step R fwd.
5-6-7&8Step L fwd recover R, Step L back, step R next, stepL fwd.

Ending part A : till count 8 touch right.



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