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Beaujolais Waltz (P)

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progressive partner dance
Bernice Robichaud (CAN) & Connelly Robichaud (CAN) - January 2018
Any slow 3/4 time waltz
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FOOTWORK: Same for both

**This is in dedication to the Beaujolais region of France.

The onset of this dance has partners standing facing each other approximately 3 feet apart and right shoulder to right shoulder lined up.
Gent: Faces down line of dance
Lady: Faces reverse line of dance

Hands are placed behind the back with the back of right hand resting in the palm of the left hand.
Note: Hand placement is done at the onset of the dance again when lady does her
1/2 turn in the twinkle counts of 4-5-6 in the 42 count section and then again when you start your dance.

For ease of dance the Gent stands slightly back.
Both waltz forward towards each other

1.Left steps forward starting 1/2 turn left
2Right steps slightly back turn completed (release hands)
3Left steps beside right(join hands to Cape)

1Left steps forward
2Right steps forward (now beside partner, release hands)
3Left steps beside right (join hands to Cape)

Both waltz backwards
4Right steps back
5Left steps back
6Right steps beside left

Scissor steps (twinkles) Right and Left
1Left steps across right (diagonal right)
2Right steps beside left
3Left steps slightly left (diagonal left)
4Right steps across left
5Left steps backside right as you square up to L.O.D
6Right steps beside left

The following 6 counts - Both waltz forward with full turn left for the lady
1Left steps forward hands come up above lady's head sarting full turn left
2Right steps forward continuing left turn
3Left steps forward turn complete drop arms to Cape
4Right steps forward
5Left steps forward
6Right steps next to left

Repeat above moves moving backward
1Left steps back, hands come up above lady's head starting full turn right
2Right steps back continuing right turn
3Left steps back turn complete ( drop arms to Cape)
4Right steps back
5Left steps back
6Right steps back beside left

Step Lock Step , Step Lock Step:
1Left steps forward
2Right slides up to left instep
3Left steps forward
4Right steps forward
5Left slides up to right instep
6Right steps forward

Modified Lock Steps x's 2:
1Step left forward (turning to face right diagonal)
2Right cross steps behind left( still facing right diagonal)
3Left steps forward turning to face left diagonal
4Right steps forward still facing left diagonal
5Left cross steps behind right
6Right steps forward as you square up to L.O.D

Forward And Back:
1Left steps forward
2Right steps forward
3Left steps beside right
4Right steps forward
5Left steps forward
6Right steps beside left

Twinkle, Step with 1/2 Turn Right for Lady:
1Left steps across right ( facing diagonal right)
2Right steps beside left (slight turn to diagonal left)
3Left steps in place (release left hands)
4Right steps across left, lady steps slightly forward starting 1/2 turn right
drop right hands
5Left steps beside right, turn completed
6Right steps beside left

Last 6 counts:
Back Left-Right-Left and Right-Left -Right

Forward Left-Right-Left and Right-Left-Right

Start Over


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