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Never Enough

( 4 Stimmen)
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High Intermediate NC2S
Chloe Patrick (UK) - January 2018
Never Enough - Loren Allred : (Album: The Greatest Showman)
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#16 count intro. Dance begins on vocals.

Sequence: A, A, restart, A, tag 1, B, A, tag 2, B

PART A: 32 counts
A1: R nightclub basic, Side behind ¼ turn L, R fwd Hitch hold, ¼ turn L, R cross rock
1 - 2&Step R to R side (1), step L behind R (2), cross R over L (&) (12:00)
3 - 4&Step L to L side as you sweep R clockwise (3), step R behind L (4), make ¼ turn L stepping forward on L (&) (9:00)
5 - 6Step forward on R with a small bend of R knee as you slowly hitch L knee next to R (5), hold (6) (9:00)
7 - 8&Make ¼ turn L stepping L to L side (7), cross rock R over L towards 4:30 (8), recover back on L (&) (4:30)

A2: R nightclub basic, Weave, R Cross rock, L Cross rock, ¼ turn L, cross R behind
1 - 2&Step R to R side squaring up to 6:00 (1), step L behind R (2), cross R over L (&) (6:00)
3 - 4&Step L to L side as you sweep R clockwise (3), step R behind L (4), step L to L side (&) (6:00)
5 - 6&Cross rock R over L towards 4:30 (5), recover weight on L (6), step R to R side (&) (6:00)
7&8&Cross rock L over R towards 7:30 (7), recover weight on R (&), make 1/4 turn L stepping forward on L (8), cross R behind (&) (3:00)

A3: Step ¼ turn L sweep cross side, behind sweep behind ¼ turn R, step L ½ pivot R, full turn R, R fwd, L fwd rock
1 - 2&Make ¼ turn L stepping forward on L as you sweep R around anti clockwise (1), cross R over L (2), step L to L side (&) (12:00)
3 - 4&Step R behind L sweeping L around anti clockwise (3), step L behind R (4), make ¼ turn R stepping forward on R (&) (3:00)
5 - 6&Step forward on L (5), pivot ½ turn R stepping forward on R (6), make full turn R closing L to R (&) (9:00)
7 - 8&Step forward on R (7), rock forward on L (8), recover back on R (&) (9:00)

A4: L back cross back, R back cross back, ¼ turn L, sway L sway R, sweeping 1 ¼ turn L
1 - 2&Step back on L angling body to 7:30 (1), cross R over L (2), step back on L angling body to 7:30 (&) (7:30)
3 - 4&Step back on R angling body to 10:30 (3), cross L over R (4), step back on R squaring up to 9:00 (&) (9:00)
5 - 6Make ¼ turn L stepping L to L side as you sway to L (5), sway to R (6) (6:00)
7 - 8Shift weight onto L and make 1 ¼ turn to L sweeping R around keeping R leg extended (7,8), close R to L (weight on L) ready to start again (&) (3:00)

PART B: 36 Counts
Occurs twice throughout the dance. The first time beginning facing 9:00 and ending facing 12:00. The second time beginning facing 3:00 and ending facing 6:00. Below clock facings are for the first occurrence.
B1: Side back rock, ¼ turn L, full turn L, ¼ turn L stepping side, L back rock, ¼ turn R, 2 full turns R
1 - 2&Step R to R side (1), rock back on L crossing behind R (2), recover forward on R (&) (9:00)
3&4&Make ¼ turn L stepping forward on L (3), make full turn L closing R to L (&), step forward on L (4), make ¼ turn L stepping side on R (&) (3:00)
5 - 6&Rock back on L crossing behind R (5), recover forward on R (6), make ¼ turn R stepping back on L (&) (6:00)
7&8&Make ½ turn R stepping forward R (7), make ½ turn R stepping back on L (&), make ½ turn R stepping forward R (8), make ½ turn R stepping back on L (&) (6:00)

B2: 1/8 turn R, diamond fallaway over L
1 - 2&Turn 1/8 R stepping R to R side (1), turn 1/8 L stepping L back (2), step back R (&) (6:00)
3 - 4&Turn 1/8 L stepping L to L side (3), turn 1/8 L stepping R forward (4), step forward L (&) (3:00)
5 - 6&Turn 1/8 L stepping R to R side (5), turn 1/8 L stepping L back (6), step back R (&) (12:00)
7 - 8&Turn 1/8 L stepping L to L side (7), turn 1/8 L stepping R forward (8), step forward L (&) (9:00)

B3: Diagonally fwd R sweep, cross back, L back rock fwd rock, diagonally fwd L sweep, cross back, R back rock fwd rock
1 - 2&Step R towards 10:30 sweeping L clockwise (1), cross L over R (2), step back on R (&) (9:00)
3&4&Rock back on L (3), recover on R (&), rock forward on L (4), recover on R (&) (9:00)
5 - 6&Step L towards 7:30 sweeping R anti clockwise (5), cross R over L (6), step back on L (&) (9:00)
7&8&Rock back on R (7), recover on L (&), Rock forward on R (8), recover on L (&) (9:00)

B4: R nightclub basic, ¼ turn R x 2 cross, R nightclub basic, L side rock, ¼ turn R stepping fwd R, step L ½ pivot R
1 - 2&Step R to R side (1), step L behind R (2), cross R over L (&) (9:00)
3-4&Make ¼ turn R stepping back on L (3), make ¼ turn R stepping R to R side (4), cross L over R (&) (3:00)
5-6&Step R to R side (5), step L behind R (6), cross R over L (&) (3:00)
7&8&Side rock L to L side (7), recover making a ¼ turn R stepping forward on R (&), step forward on L (8), pivot ½ turn R stepping forward on R (&) (12:00)

B5: Walk L R, L fwd with full unwind turn R, R fwd rock
1 - 2Step L forward (1), step R forward (2) (12:00)
3 - 4&Step L forward as you unwind a full turn R (weight ends on L) (3), rock forward on R (4), recover back on L ready to start part A again (&) (12:00)

TAG 1: The 3rd wall begins facing 6:00 and ends facing 9:00 – Add the following counts and then start part B
1 - 2Sway to R (1), sway to L (2)

TAG 2: The 5th wall begins facing 12:00 and ends facing 3:00 - Add the following counts and then start part B
1 - 2Sway to R (1), sway to L (2)
3 - 4Sway to R (3), sway to L (4)

Restart: The 2nd wall begins facing 3:00. Dance to count ‘16&’ and restart facing 6:00. Change count 16& from ‘1/4 turn L stepping forward on L (16), cross R behind L keeping weight on L (&)’ to ‘¼ turn L stepping forward on L (16), touch R next to L (&)’.

Ending: The 6th wall which is part B begins facing 3:00 and ends facing 6:00. After count 36& add:
Step big step back on R as you drag L to R.

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Last Update - 26th Jan. 2018
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